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Titans Mission 2018

Titans Mission 2018

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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Jan 5, 2018, 09:3001/05/18
Very good video ! 
I think there are very good Archons at the moment for editing this kind of video ! 
Jan 7, 2018, 15:0001/07/18
Very nice video , remove the Honor part and it's all perfect !
Jan 15, 2018, 23:5001/15/18
Nice Video, would make an excellent credit card commercial!
Feb 17, 2018, 01:0802/17/18
Good luck titans
Mar 23, 2018, 09:2903/23/18
ZiegFried said:

where is your mission now ....all your strong members joined nordman....
Our mission still the same. Nothings change... you have now the chance to try and test us :-)
Mar 25, 2018, 05:0803/25/18

ZiegFried said:

nothing change .... we are just 6+ maybe more billion down :-( ;-( and if y hit us nordman will kill y :D :d :D

who are you? your first post, you are asking where is the mission of Titans300, now you saying "WE"?

are you titans300?
Apr 4, 2018, 12:0904/04/18
ZiegFried said:

where is your mission now ....all your strong members joined nordman....
They may have lost a few players to Nordmann, but they are headhunting from smaller coa's, which weakens those coa's. We have lost 2 of our best players to T300. I really angry about it. Smaller coa's struggle enough as it is without big coa's stealing their best players.