Xena said:
That was last week!

Current week

So it's not something no one can do! 
In my server I have seen that many times truth be told! 
Hi Xena...
Because I m not only here to fight with Moderators, I ll sent you a shot just to see and explain to yr Greek Raiders about my philosophy on Raids..
Check this shot: Is on Monday 15:35 UTC time (18:35 Greek Time)...
Check the Top 5 Raiders...
5th Fokeas. 2,1+ m res. No Instant Recalls used, 1 raid on hand..
4th Igraine. 2,2 +m res, 0-2 Instant Recalls used. no raid on hand..
3rd Dorieas. 2,3 m res (no single rest lost), 3 Instant Recalls used. 4 raids on hand.
2nd Diroccothegreat. 2,8 m to 2,8+ m res 7 Instant Recalls used. no raid on hand, if more add one extra IR on,
1st Rambo 3,7 m to 3,7 + m res 16-17 Instant Recalls used no raid on hand, if more add one extra IR on.
Now without has any false theories as two raiders from other coals txt me that something dodgy on the first spot this week and the previous week, (I investigate it but without evidence, keep it on silent mode) lets check the profit of each of the Top 3 players on the standings if finish like this, next Monday and who is the really winner...
3rd Dorieas Bonus 3000 Drhs Spent 3 IR X 300 Drhs each= 900 Drhs Total Profit 3000 - 900= 2100 Drhs
2nd Djrocco Bonus 4000 Drhs Spent 7 IR x 300 Drhs each= 2100 Drhs Total Profit 4000 -2100= 1900 Drhs
1st Rambo Bonus 5000 Drhs Spent 16 IR x 300 Drhs each= 4800 Drhs Total Profit 5000 -4800= 200 Drhs... Same ammount of money with Igraine and Fokeas who they ll finish 4th and 5th...
And if Mario use more then 17 IR x 300 Drhs = 5100 Drhs.. Lol... Bankcrupt... Brainless but Plarium needs those kind of people...
As I ve seen from yr last shot above yr best Raider use 7 IR,,, It is too much the IR he used for the Tournament.. Not only for the profit but because he upgrading the max of IR much be used on the tournament.. And for him now maybe not prob as propably he got some on the market, but when his IR finish earlier then normal, he ll get a prob to run for standings in the future...
The point isnt to finish first but to get the maximum profit... What the point to use 16 or 17 IR, loosing money and time for nothing???
Offcourse there is an upcoming Flag Tournament and maybe standings change but thats another thing...