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Thessaloniki... The capital of raid ranking....

Thessaloniki... The capital of raid ranking....

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Mar 14, 2017, 00:2503/14/17

Thessaloniki... The capital of raid ranking....

Four Greeks from Thessaloniki on the Top 4 of Raid Rankings on this week rally... Welldone boys!!! 

John (Yiannis), Fokeas (Tolis), Pontios (George) you really make proud yr mentor today...

Congratulations to our member Fokeas who join the Top 2 of Raid Rankings for 3rd consecutive week in a row... Achievment that no one did it before and I m not sure if someone can break it in the future... Amazing performance... Good luck to him for his 4th consecutive week in the Top 3..

Here in Guerilla nothing is impossible... Guerilla produce Champions...

Join us today. fly with us tomorrow.... 

Mar 14, 2017, 11:1603/14/17

Thank you Ilyas! But what can I say about you brother??? You did something noone can do it.

 2nd consecutive week in the Top 1 of Raid Rankings, isnt just an amazing performance but an unreachable dream for all Raiders!!!

Mar 20, 2017, 10:3203/20/17
Mar 23, 2017, 21:4103/23/17
Mar 23, 2017, 21:48(edited)

Fokeas said:

Thank you Ilyas! But what can I say about you brother??? You did something noone can do it.

 2nd consecutive week in the Top 1 of Raid Rankings, isnt just an amazing performance but an unreachable dream for all Raiders!!!

Actually I have a friend who was No1 last week in raid rankings and he is No1 now again.

Also one of my teammates have done the same many times. 

Last but not least almost a month ago my coalition got 7 out of 10 members in the top 10 raid ranking!

Next time we will go for 10 out of 10!

That's a real challenge for a coalition I believe! 

Mar 23, 2017, 21:4403/23/17

That was last week!

Current week

So it's not something no one can do! 

In my server I have seen that many times truth be told! 

Mar 23, 2017, 21:4603/23/17

And for your information the second one is really far so no question as to who will be No1 again!

By the way I love Thessaloniki! Such a lovely city!

Everyone should visit it! 

Mar 24, 2017, 17:2503/24/17
facebook server is easier :p try it in game server to see how dificult is ;) but iprety impressive xena congrats :)
Mar 24, 2017, 21:1403/24/17
lordofwar said:

facebook server is easier :p try it in game server to see how dificult is ;) but iprety impressive xena congrats :)
What makes you say that facebook server is easier lordofwar? 
Mar 25, 2017, 14:3603/25/17
Who cares about raid ranking lol
Mar 26, 2017, 08:4303/26/17
Welldone for your achievments in yr server Xena.. But I still believe yr server is easiest then Plarium server... I could made it last week the 3 consecutive week on the Top 1, but due to health family probs i lost some raids...
Mar 26, 2017, 08:4503/26/17
Mar 28, 2017, 22:27(edited)
But not say yet for Fokeas achievment to be 4 consecutive weeks in the top 2...
Mar 26, 2017, 10:5103/26/17
Mar 26, 2017, 10:52(edited)

Dorieas said:

Welldone for your achievments in yr server Xena.. But I still believe yr server is easiest then Plarium server... I could made it last week the 3 consecutive week on the Top 1, but due to health family probs i lost some raids...

Thank you!

I don't think it's the easiest server (basically I don't believe there is difference from Plarium server actually) but I can't prove this to you so I won't say anymore.

Sorry to hear about health issues. Hope eveything will be fine in the end! 

Good game to you Dorieas

Mar 26, 2017, 17:3303/26/17
Maybe I m wrong, maybe no,t but as I told you on the other post I have Greek friends they play both servers and they told me that fb server is easier then ours.. I dont know why actually, I never ask them but I ll ask them and I ll come back...
Mar 26, 2017, 19:3403/26/17

xena my answer is too simple cause in plarium server i neer saw a coa put more then 4 players in top 10 and trust me it's hard there is a lot of good raiders in plarium server and all from diferent coas so is almost impossible do 10/10 ;)

Mar 27, 2017, 16:1903/27/17
Apr 1, 2017, 09:15(edited)

Xena said:

That was last week!

Current week

So it's not something no one can do! 

In my server I have seen that many times truth be told! 

Hi Xena... 

Because I m not only here to fight with Moderators,  I ll sent you a shot just to see and explain to yr Greek Raiders about my philosophy on Raids..

Check this shot: Is on Monday 15:35 UTC time  (18:35 Greek Time)...

Check the Top 5 Raiders...

5th Fokeas.                      2,1+ m res.                                 No Instant Recalls used,           1 raid on hand..

4th Igraine.                        2,2 +m res,                                 0-2 Instant Recalls used.           no raid on hand..

3rd Dorieas.                      2,3 m res (no single rest lost),    3 Instant Recalls used.              4 raids on hand.

2nd Diroccothegreat.         2,8 m   to 2,8+ m res                  7 Instant Recalls used.              no raid on hand, if more add one extra IR on,

1st Rambo                            3,7 m to 3,7 + m res                  16-17 Instant Recalls used        no raid on hand, if more add one extra IR on.

Now without has any false theories as two raiders from other coals txt me that something dodgy on the first spot this week and the previous week, (I investigate it but without evidence, keep it on silent mode) lets check the profit of each of the Top 3 players on the standings if finish like this, next Monday and who is the  really winner...

3rd Dorieas  Bonus 3000 Drhs    Spent 3 IR X 300 Drhs each= 900 Drhs    Total Profit     3000 - 900=   2100 Drhs

2nd Djrocco  Bonus 4000 Drhs    Spent 7 IR x 300 Drhs each= 2100 Drhs   Total Profit    4000 -2100= 1900 Drhs

1st Rambo    Bonus  5000 Drhs   Spent 16 IR x 300 Drhs each= 4800 Drhs Total Profit    5000 -4800= 200 Drhs... Same ammount of money with Igraine and Fokeas who they ll finish 4th and 5th... 

And if Mario use more then 17 IR x 300 Drhs = 5100 Drhs..   Lol... Bankcrupt... Brainless but Plarium needs those kind of people...

As I ve seen from yr last shot above yr best Raider use 7 IR,,, It is too much the IR he used for the Tournament.. Not only for the profit but because he upgrading the max of IR much be used on the tournament.. And for him now maybe not prob as propably he got some on the market, but when his IR finish earlier then normal, he ll get a prob to run for standings in the future...

The point isnt to finish first but to get the maximum profit... What the point to use 16 or 17 IR, loosing money and time for nothing???

Offcourse there is an upcoming Flag Tournament and maybe standings change but thats another thing...

Mar 28, 2017, 12:5903/28/17

For those they txt me that something dodgy happen the last two weeks, I have a confirmation that nothing dodgy happens except that Plarium raid bugs, strike again... Last week and this week... But thats a Plarium problem and not of the players get the benefit from the raid bugs... 

I have to say that: Laurius do an excellent job as a mentor for raiders on his own coal and we need people like him... But still my friend to get 103 raids (plus 9 from the raid bug) per week the IR she use are a lot.. Offcourse Svetla she going for the record without buffs and congratulations to her she did it... But to upgrade the max of IR used on every week its not one's invest on this game... Check Xena's coal on fb server and you ll understand the why? There no profit from drhs except the glory.. In another post soon I ll upgrade all the raid ranking records on this server... I m happy to see more raiders for one fair competition...

By the way Alyona... Still your devs trying to fix the raid bugs or they have a break for backgammon???
Mar 29, 2017, 06:3203/29/17

Bonjour :)

Petite explication sur mon score en français.

j'ai utilisé 12 instant call vendredi + 10 samedi, ce qui fait un total de 22 instant call.

j'avais acheté 25 instant call au total je crois.

Effectivement, je suis en perte sur les raids de cette semaine mais je voulais terminer au moins 1 fois premier au classement pour mon anniversaire.

la préparation samedi, dimanche et lundi a été très longue, je compte pas les heures passées ici et je remercie aussi les joueurs qui m'ont aidé en me laissant taper leur sièges.

j'ai envoyé plus de 30 raids de plus de 16h et j'en ai réussi 29 sur les 30.

je n'ai pas connu de bugs raids cette semaine.

Bons jeux à tous 

Mar 29, 2017, 08:3603/29/17

DJ rocco awesome raider :D 

HOBS rule
Mar 29, 2017, 09:2003/29/17

rambodrive said:

Bonjour :)

Petite explication sur mon score en français.

j'ai utilisé 12 instant call vendredi + 10 samedi, ce qui fait un total de 22 instant call.

j'avais acheté 25 instant call au total je crois.

Effectivement, je suis en perte sur les raids de cette semaine mais je voulais terminer au moins 1 fois premier au classement pour mon anniversaire.

la préparation samedi, dimanche et lundi a été très longue, je compte pas les heures passées ici et je remercie aussi les joueurs qui m'ont aidé en me laissant taper leur sièges.

j'ai envoyé plus de 30 raids de plus de 16h et j'en ai réussi 29 sur les 30.

je n'ai pas connu de bugs raids cette semaine.

Bons jeux à tous 

Welldone Rambo... Continue the good job... You dont need to come 1st, to improove you are a Raider... For me you belong to elite of the Top Raiders... 
Joyeux anniversaire...

Mar 30, 2017, 19:5703/30/17
Mar 31, 2017, 23:26(edited)
Thank you for your post about last week and this week raid rankings, Dorieas.

First of all, I wan't to say that I'm proud of what Svetla has done last week: she smashed the record on the raid ranking, with 10,9 millions without buffs. She finished the tournament with a margin with the second never saw before (2 millions points). She made it just because she's good. And that is the only reason. You can buy the number of instant recall (IR) you wan't, if you are not good, if you are not well organized, if you don't know how to plan the event, if you don't take hours of preparation, you won't do it. There is no mystery and no trick, Svetla used what the game offers to everyone. So, she deserves the congratulations of everyone.

Secondly, I must correct what Dorieas has said before: Svetla started with 103 raids and had on friday 7 more raids with a Plarium bug, not 9. So, she completed 10,9 millions with 110 raids (including 106 100k raids). However, she would have smashed the record without them anyway. Rambo, a very good friend of Svetla, and a friend of mine, is going for 107 raids but presently has no additional raids from the Plarium bug.

I will discuss on Dorieas theory later, giving a new point of view.
