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Retribution - The truth and deceit...

Retribution - The truth and deceit...

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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Mar 31, 2018, 23:5603/31/18

Retribution - The truth and deceit...

Sparta, our game had come into disrepute by a coalition hell-bent on undermining the integrity of our game.

Sparta has many brave, supportive coalitions as well as Federations. We play to win, but also to utilise it as a social media platform. However, the recent cowardly actions of “Retribution” has brought this game into disrepute.

Fake city – Questionable tactics

By creating a “fake” city using our Hegemon’s name, Retribution attempted to attack other players under their cloak of deceit. This did not deter or undermine the “Olympus” Federation, as through diplomacy such idiotic, cowardly action was quickly resolved.

Evidence can be provided to prove such despicable actions.

Misleading coalition title.

Retribution’s next pathetic attempt was to then insert the name “Olympus” into their coa title:

Again, their spineless harassment continued by attacking other cities and coalitions under the disguise of our name. This inevitably led to our reliance upon diplomacy to resolve yet more childish, ungamely behaviour.

Evidence can be provided to prove such despicable actions.

Identify theft

Thinking that Retribution couldn’t stoop any lower, they scrap the barrel by assuming our Hegemon’s identity:

This is a step too far, hence we would appreciate it if other coalitions unite to rid our game of such bullying tactics and pathetic actions in the name of “fairness.”

Their reasoning, some weak excuse based on how they WERE treated by individuals who have since left the game. It is one thing holding a grudge, but whenever Retribution contradicts themselves by pleading with another coa to, “put their history to one side” is ludicrous!

Sparta, I therefore, can assure you that the real, genuine Greendeezel (newly appointed Hegemon of Lost Souls) and High Commander of the “Olympus” Federation is the Hegemon of Lost Souls!

Join us in our crusade to rid this game of the scourge of “Retribution.”


Apr 2, 2018, 14:4004/02/18
May 2, 2018, 07:55(edited)

can you be more clear please?  hegemon of lost souls olympur and high commander of olympus federation are the same? so what?

do you mean to say he is a high in command of the olympus federation?or his name is high commander in olympus fed,be more clear pls friend

which coa do you belong to?and whts going on? is retribution attacking lost souls pans?

ive never heard of this retribution before....they should thank you for the free publicity lol
Apr 2, 2018, 22:2704/02/18

hahahaa. Have to take my hat off to those retribution guys. They are a great little coal. what they lack in size they make up for in cunning.

Get over yourself dark underpants ( or whatever your name is ). stop crying like a little girl.
Apr 3, 2018, 07:5404/03/18

Yuri said:

tino fred why you being so rude? this fella must know this coal retribution well and wants us all to know probably so its not a bad thing overall

those who expereince contact with this coalition will know how it feels while its easy for everyone else to sit and watch and make judgments

tino fred you the guy who put a name of a member of parabellum coalition and acted like a fraudster on the forum commenting and doing things that shouldnt be done till the real tino came forth and told everyone here that your a fraud and isnt him but your someone whos taking his name and just as dark overlord said that retribution does the same makes me think you ralso the same who is a fraud

am starting to think if your the hegemon of retribution or a member of retribution now :)

just that everyone knows that retribution is part of mayhem makers 

second thing is that band of killerz members joined a coal names game over666 ...and gameover666 has merged with retribution 

retribution is part of mayhem makers?

you smoked something wrong ? hahaa

im sure i saw retribution taking a mm pan some days ago so i guess thats not really correct 
Apr 3, 2018, 11:5504/03/18

Jean, you try to stir up anymore trouble by making a false claim purporting to have come me is now beyond a joke. Honour is spelled honour, not the American way as honor. 

I totally and utterly refute the comment that Retribution are a bunch of cowards, throughout our troubles they acted honourably, fought fairly and were true to their word.
Apr 3, 2018, 12:0204/03/18
Apr 3, 2018, 18:11(edited)

Hello Dark Overlord... Sounds like the tearful cries of a Lost Soul who also lost their pans (See what I did there? lol... Lost Souls - lost pans. hahaha) . Your own coalition cannot defend you.... So you go to your "federation"  who did not defend you. So you then cry to all of Sparta for help? lol. Your cries will fall upon deaf ears, but we do welcome anyone who wants to step to the table. :) 

You and your "federation" are a joke (at least LS Pack and LSO). Your back door diplomacy tactics are a joke. You want to take us down? I am welcoming you to come to our door steps. Dub and Alan(Dark Overlord maybe?) attempted to with 2 coalitions when we were much weaker and failed miserably. Let us go a few rounds and see how you fair. :D

Regards - Your Peaceful Yet Diplomatically Rusty - MAKO 

Tino, thank you for the kind words. lol.

Vodkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! Howdy. ;) 

Hippo, we are just a small group of peaceful spartans hoping for world peace in the land of plarium so one day we can all return to our farms in farmville where LSO seems to think they are already at. I thought you were my friend Hippo, but I see you are located in Australia. 

Apr 3, 2018, 12:0404/03/18
Thank you "real Spen" and so has your team. I am glad our teams are now past our issues(after a couple years and a few fights. lol) and can work together.
Apr 3, 2018, 12:5004/03/18

Also Vodka is right... I am not certain who this Yuri guy is with his wonderful intel. lol....  But we are not affiliated with Mayhem Makers in any way. I am pretty sure if you ask them, they will verify this. We do have at least one ex-BOK member. Our pole-march Sir Robert was with them and Outlaws after that. Really nice guy. As for gameover666, I have personally never heard of this coalition. I am not saying they did not join us, but I was not aware of the merger or at least don't recall the coalition name. We have players from many countries and many past coalitions. I drink a bit of rum so the memory might be a little fuzzy though.

Yuri, what coalition are you in? Maybe we can offer you protection and coddle you. Our player Eggy has his own hug room to comfort players like you who need a safe place. :) 

Apr 3, 2018, 13:1604/03/18
Spen2501 said:

Jean, you try to stir up anymore trouble by making a false claim purporting to have come me is now beyond a joke. Honour is spelled honour, not the American way as honor. 

I totally and utterly refute the comment that Retribution are a bunch of cowards, throughout our troubles they acted honourably, fought fairly and were true to their word.
I think you are wrong about me. As you can see, I didnt post anything here.
Apr 3, 2018, 14:3904/03/18
not heard of this coa retribution will look up now
Apr 3, 2018, 15:4804/03/18

Here in Forum are two Tino, this one are not the Real Tino.(maybe yes, i think not, need search, will be take to much time lol) In one Post was all both Tino.

Coward or not, its not player fault to have PA,Bubbel etc...Its plarium make money style and kill the gameplay.

Apr 3, 2018, 17:5304/03/18
The Jean I refer to is with Thracian Warriors, not anyone in this room
Apr 3, 2018, 18:2604/03/18
Apr 3, 2018, 18:27(edited)
Spen2501 said:

The Jean I refer to is with Thracian Warriors, not anyone in this room
Thats me and I am telling you, I didnt write here before today. I am reader only. 
Apr 3, 2018, 21:0904/03/18
Apr 3, 2018, 21:13(edited)

The game's title is Sparta

WAR of Empires


Switzerland, Huffs of Crybabies.

Crybabies are also not aware of who is strong. They don't want to spend more than 5 seconds, looking at an XP level, a coa ranking, or a federation name as their so-called "research".

Crybabies could ask a heg of a top 10 coa and learn if a "low-ranked" coa is really unknown/unimportant. But the heg would likely ignore their PM.

But Crybabies don't have to ask anyone about people that use huge armies, because they could look at current or long standing rankings in the "biggest losers lists" (Top Offense or Top Defense) or in Supreme League rankings in a PvP tourney to find that out.

But it is more emotionally fun to whine here than spend quiet time doing research.

As for the PA complaint, that is all-too common one here, often by dotards. That complaint is like complaining that you don't get warnings when someone attacks a pan or a capital or spies anything. Imagine a real military that insisted that attackers announce themselves first. lol.

And not using your real name or spying... I'm sure you'll get far demanding your country to give up all intelligence agencies... or demanding that your employer (or your spouse) never keep any information from you.

So I repeat,

the game is called Sparta, WAR of Empires.

I suggest the crybabies go play Diplomacy or go to their room with their binky.


P.S. I know nothing of the swiss other than it was on this list

P.P.S. We always look forward to more uniformed victims to do battle with. Stop by ;-)

P.P.P.S I doubt there is a top ranked fighter or coa in Sparta that doesn't know who Retribution is and how they act.

Apr 3, 2018, 21:5404/03/18
Apr 3, 2018, 21:57(edited)

Yuri said:

Alfred E.Neuman,

his coa is a joke

...he speaks as if hes a member of retribution and doesnt surprise me if i come to know hes an alt of a retribution heg or member at all!

Retribution was my first coa. I was also on Outlaws and various other name coas. I was also on some top 10 raid ranking lists. But that's the past.

Until you wrote this, I didn't see much point to sending lots of fake sieges, so you must be confused. We did carpet bomb one heg who had 80M sitting outside his city. That's what largely got us the massive challenge win that you can verify on the all-time challenges list. Balkan seems to have learned from that and upped the ante on the all-tme challenges list. Though we still have the largest pts ratio (about a 100-1) and 3rd largest points differential. 

But we have a different mission now. Caesar's 9th saw a small test of that this weekend.

Apr 3, 2018, 22:2204/03/18
Apr 3, 2018, 22:23(edited)

Yuri said:

"alfred your not worth responding to"

but somehow you did. ;-)

"your a alt of some other player "

I've been told some people think I'm Tua's alt. I always took that as a compliment. But Tua, Mako, Roy Mah, Thersites' Dave, Santiago and other successful players, know I'm not. 

As for people like you who are ignorant, I take advantage of that. ;-)

But feel free to tell me what coa you're on and your main account and I can take advantage of your ignorance even more. ;-)

Apr 3, 2018, 22:3204/03/18

Yuri said:

another thing

these guys are liars

band of killerz had one more coalition called gameover666

they merged with retribution....half their members are of the coa gameover666....such liars now refusing to know

sir robert,lucifer and so many guys of their coa

and so everyone knows one more fact is that sir robert and lucifer is the same

so now retribution has been dirtied with bok ex players and gameover666 which is now dissolved for all its memebrs to go to retribution

and till now they are bugging the ls clans LOL

i have no prob...i dont give a #*$(# about ls clans...theyre afraid to fight in a war game...all they do is kiss :p

but i am giving truthful and honest facts...i wish i saved all evidences for these fellas who aint owning up their game

I liked BOK. Sometimes I'd find a target bigger than I wanted to take and I'd send some random BOK player a tip.

Then again I was on Retribution and Outlaws so I like coas that understand this is a war game.

If you would do your history, you would find out Retribution has forced Terminators and Nordmann to back down too, Deedz played a very small part in the lattter.

Normally Retribution is a random bunch hitting whoever. I loved when they had contests to see who could generate the most complaints to their coa. ;-) But sometimes they've gotten focused and have caused SERIOUS problems to a dominating coa.

One thing I've admired is they really stick together. There are a LOT of long time Sparta players on that coa who have known each other for a long time. I've been part of dozens of coas and I've never seen such long-term loyalty as I have on that coa. 

Not perfect, but way different than the ignorant ways you are trying to portray them as.

Apr 4, 2018, 01:0204/04/18
Apr 4, 2018, 01:05(edited)


All your talk of fake and fraud tells me you worship at the Temple of Trump. He who has all the best words. ;-)

What makes an account fake? What is the problem with "alts"? If you attack Roy Mah the heg of Stronghold or Roy Mah the heg of Ouroborous you're not going to have an offense left. LOL. So whose the fake then? ;-)

You're wrong about the number of my accounts as well as where they are. But what's in a number? Lyderis had about 100 acounts. Do you even know who Lyderis is???

Multiaccounting is not illegal. Plarium has made that officially clear. PAs are not illegal. There are no rules about what ones coa or city name is. You just want to make all the rules because you are too stupid to deal with the ones that exist in this game, so you want to limit players who can play better than you.

But I'll go back to my original post. You're just a crybaby. And a pretty ignorant one at that.

But if you're all about the truth, then tell us what your account(s) is/are and in which coas. Or just keep hiding like a crybaby.

Apr 4, 2018, 01:4704/04/18

retribution = fail coal

these puppies didnt tell you all the whole story :))

they hit pantheons of ls clans because they were weak already :))

these puppies have little or no troops left and tried to hit our pantheon they took it bu we took it back

we still have 5 pantheons and these puppies cannot do anything about it.....we were laughing so hard on chat because you puppied can attack only weak defended managed to attack only one of ours and when you realised we have strong defence you put your pants back up and ran for your lives :)) hahahaha its still funny for us how you do all these stuff by naming yourselves as ls members because you cant do anything else to irritate cant take our pantheons or atleast downgrade it....your just an over rated coalition :))

and you will never be able to downgrade our pans like you did for weak held pans of ls you puppies.....go back to your dog homes and have dog snacks retribution puppies :))

Apr 4, 2018, 01:5904/04/18

scout cuz we are 

i gotta agree it was funny LoL

retribution take 5 years to build some off that u can impress us with 
Apr 4, 2018, 08:2404/04/18

Gentlemen, please be civil in your disagreements. I have removed several posts that were blatant insults to other players and, should you continue, I will have no choice but to lock the thread.

Another post has been removed due to sharing personally communication with Support staff. That is expressly forbidden by the Forum Rules.