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Support and VIP Support Buttons Are Under Technical Maintenance

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Support and VIP Support Buttons Are Under Technical Maintenance

Commanders, please note that the in-game Support and VIP Support request options are temporarily unavailable due to ongoing technical maintenance.

To reach the Support team, kindly use this web link: 

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Thanks for your understanding, and have a blast playing!

Dec 10, 2024, 11:322 days
Dec 11, 2024, 13:13Yesterday

you  honestly think i care what you do to me after being cheated by the moderators in this game for years  who dont do there jobs  who screw the  customers  i look at it like this  its less i have to do  and  less time in the game i rather be real then cheat the people and the customers thats why  people quit spending in the game the cheating moderators who thing they are god

Dec 11, 2024, 13:16Yesterday

see  thats the problem is the moderators who cheat the people and to get any satisfaction from them is a waste of time  you would be better off throwing your money in the air and hope  it blows back your way  be cause  to be cheated by the moderators  here is a known fact

Dec 11, 2024, 13:50Yesterday

not an ass kisser never will be  i dont have to be an ass kisser to be good and i know when cheated by moderators  and you  wish i would be nice but like i was told  this is a war game and crying  is  something  you moderators do well  especially when caught bulling and cheating the customers thing your god is  a known fact for moderators who cant win see i do know the truth and  i do have the facts  so as i was told by your cheating moderators suck it up cup cake its a war game