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Game Improvements

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Game Improvements

Game Improvements
You asked - We listened!


We always strive to meet your expectations, and so we have made some improvements based on your requests:

- Smugglers' Scheme window improved so that it now contains a separate tab for tracking your Milestone Rewards
- Fixed a bug affecting Strategic Units, so that an alert will now always show if you send them into battle without a full Support Group
- Fixed the XP Boost Tech pop-up in the Flashpoint Task Force window, so that the correct amount of XP Boost Tech you have remaining is displayed after you purchase one
- Fixed the Goods tab of the Inbox window so that all Items display correctly and do not exceed the boundaries of the window
- Code Board tab of the Code Board Cache window improved, so that the “+” button no longer appears when you have enough Decryption Discs to open every Node on the Board

Do feel free to share your suggestions. My advisors will surely consider it.


Sep 30, 2022, 08:1609/30/22
Oct 24, 2022, 10:2610/24/22
Oct 25, 2022, 02:12(edited)

My IP address is being blocked by the administrator during normal game play this morning. Why should it do that. I have limited play time and this makes me think this game is not very user friendly, should I spend my time and funds elsewhere? Please address this as I find it a bit troublesome. Mike Edmunds 

Oct 25, 2022, 02:1210/25/22
Oct 25, 2022, 02:13(edited)
Mike Edmunds

My IP address is being blocked by the administrator during normal game play this morning. Why should it do that. I have limited play time and this makes me think this game is not very user friendly, should I spend my time and funds elsewhere? Please address this as I find it a bit troublesome. Mike Edmunds 

Commander if you think something has gone wrong please contact Support by submitting a ticket :

Plarium Support Center  

Support is able to look into your account and see every action.

PS: I have removed your e-mailaddress in your post for your privacy/security