Need help? Ask properly!
Commanders! Let's talk about your posts and topics. While anyone can post in the forum, it’s important to keep in mind the following tips to get the attention and answers you require.
1. Choose the right section of the forum. Don't post topics about bugs and issues under "Gameplay” or “Entertainment” as these should contain forum games and jokes.
2. If you want to start a topic, think about what the main focus should be. It’s always best to express the main idea in the title.
- Bad titles: "Help!" or "Idea".
- Good titles: "Need help with SND", "Base development suggestion."
3. Give us the maximum amount of information. For example, "I dislike raiding" doesn’t really tell us what the problem is. Why do you dislike raiding? What do you suggest we do in order to improve your experience of raiding?
4. DON'T USE CAPS!!! It looks like you’re shouting and, well, nobody likes being shouted at.
5. Keep calm. A calm mind always thinks faster and better.
The 5 points above are simply a brief overview of what to do when posting. Our moderators are more than capable of going on for hours about how to make perfect posts and topics. But the above tips are good to follow and will be sure to assist you when posting!
Good luck, Commanders! We look forward to seeing the great topics you come up with!