10 levels limit between attacking players.
While this is a game and whatever, I want to interest someone in this idea. I'd love to see it in ALL war games, not just plarium.com. I would love to see a limit of at MOST 10 levels between you and the person you are attacking. Because if you are 15 to 20 or MORE levels above the other player, that's just bullying and does NOT give the weaker player a chance to recover at all if the other keeps hitting the weaker repeatedly on a daily basis.
Attacking what exactly? Well, bases only. The city/base/isle the player actually owns and starts building on is what I mean. Anything else like targets or whatever is always up for grabs, but the base is a bit personal, if you think about it. This way, people have a Better chance to grow and defend themselves.
In short, one must be at most 10 levels ABOVE OR BELOW the player WHOSE BASE they are attacking. No more, no less. AND THEY MUST HAVE BEEN ACTIVE FOR AT LEAST A WEEK PRIOR to this to come into effect. If you go off for months, even say at level 6 and don't come back, well, that's just too bad. But if a lvl 26 hits a lvl 6, and both are equally active, then thats just wrong and mean. There's enough internet bullying. Let's quell some of it in the games...
What do you think?