Time To Change MIA 3
Hello I think we need to have MIA+ 3 go by days so if a member has passed MIA+ 3 then starts as 4 days 5 days 6 days 7 days and so on once when a member reaches say 30 days his name should light up as in Red so members know that player has been away for that amount of time it would also mean the ceo then can make a choice of either Booting him or keeping him as its too hard to tell when it stays at MIA+3 for so long when player returns to the game his name should go back to a green colour it would make more sense so we are aware of the amount of time that player "Member "has been away for once they reach 14 Days their Base lights up as Blue colour and has a protection on it for 30 More days once a player has been away for 60 days the protection is off their base lights up as Yellow Friendly colour so then players can raid it without the worry that they are raiding an active base
Thank You
From Chris CEO