annoying and useless symbols to fix!
Regarding the two buildings shown in the figure, could you please remove the symbol indicating "inactivity", when the level to be upgraded requires the use of Upgrade Designs, or when it concerns the development of Protocols?
For both cases mentioned above it is completely useless to indicate an inactivity of this type ... otherwise every building that has not reached its maximum level should also have this symbol above it, but instead it is not! (because it's not needed!)
Regarding the Protocols: a person is certainly aware if his protocols are in negotiation or not (since generally you enter the UCAV Base several times a day) ... If he does not negotiate a Protocol it is because he intentionally decided not to start the negotiation at that moment, therefore making this symbol active even in case of inactivity of the Protocols causes the player to lose sight of the real signal of which he would have a real interest in being informed, that is: inactivity of the "UCAV fighter" and "Objectives" sections.
I don't know when these two sections become inactive, because the symbol is always active (due to the protocols!).
So indicating something useless makes you lose sight of the real inactivity that the player would like to be informed about!
Another incorrect game indication that should be fixed is that of the Darknet Tournament, in the "Events" section.
The Darknet tournament is the only Event that continues to display the tag "new" (and the external yellow markers, on the "Events" logo) even after a player has entered and opened this tournament:
In the example shown in the figure, the "new" symbol should disappear immediately after the player has entered the tournament (as happens for all other tournaments) and also the yellow mark on the "Events" logo, after opening the tournament, it should indicate "2" and not "3".
Please, ASAP, remove these annoying symbols that instead of helping a player (as they were meant to do) they harm him!