Medical Labatory: Question about stimulants ( which are the best)
I have to choose between 3 different level 8 stimulants to use in cold storage.
The defense stimulant : Resistance looks like the best stimulant by far, however is it really?
Does the resistance in fact only work when the my defense are at my base or will the resistance stimulant also work in location search and destroy missions. When you compare agility and resistance, there is a huge difference and resistance is a much better long as there is no hidden catches.
Please help me understand better and please suggest what you think are the best choices for stimulants. I am using level 8 's as i have 3 injectors for level 8's and i know it will be a very very long time before i get to the top level of the next group.
Please help me understand
Thank You
Mr Selfridge