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"MC under attack!" - anomalous amount of losses suffered by me in the battle!

"MC under attack!" - anomalous amount of losses suffered by me in the battle!

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Feb 22, 2019, 04:0802/22/19

"MC under attack!" - anomalous amount of losses suffered by me in the battle!


Yesterday we received an attack on one of our Mining Complexes, by a player belonging to another alliance.

The reason why I now write here is because the amount of losses suffered by me personally is anomalous, both in relation to the amount of losses between my own units (I suffered more losses among the groups of less numerous units, compared to other types of units deployed by me that were more numerous and therefore should have been these last groups to suffer more losses!), and also anomalous in relation to the losses suffered by the other members of my Combine, who defended the MC with me.

In defending the MC, I am not the member with the largest defensive share deployed ... I am average with the forces deployed by the other members, indeed: lately I am even slightly below the expected quota! ... nevertheless, the losses consequent the attack received were inexplicably picked up for a good part (34 out of 80 = 42.5%) from my group of defending units deployed ... while most of the other members of my Combine did not suffer any loss! (even those who deployed a quantity of forces superior to mine!).

In short: to defend that MC seemed as if I had been only me with a few other affiliates who gave me support.

But I assure you that the scenario is not at all this! (the defensive forces deployed by me are derisory, compared to the collective amount!).

I would therefore like to understand why many of the defensive forces lost were only subtracted to me (in some types of units — as you can see from the graph below — 100% of losses belong exclusively to me!) rather than being shared equally among all the Combine members who take part to the battle (as has always happened so far).

As you will certainly understand, I can not post here the screenshots of the defensive forces deployed within the MC (which are sensitive and private information).
If you need this information, I invite technicians to enter the game and provide it for themselves.
All I can put here is a graphical comparison between my personal losses and total losses:

I also point out that, in my personal deployment:

  • The types of units constituted by the greater quantity of units are in the "light infantry" department (ex: "sapper" is the biggest group); therefore, in proportion to my other departments, IT IS HERE (in "light infantry" department) that I would have had to suffer the greatest losses! (as always happens: the largest group suffers the largest number of losses) ... but it did not happen in this case: I suffered more losses in the departments "Armor" and "Aviation", despite these departments presented groups composed of a smaller quantity of units, compared to "light infantry" department.

  • The types of units "Yellow Jeep" and "Black Jeep" (Mauler), are less numerous than the type "Syndicate Jeep" deployed by me, so even within this single department (Armor) we can see anomalies in the distribution of losses : I had more losses between Yellow and Black Jeep, instead of my "Syndicate Jeep", which were more numerous!

  • Finally, there is also an anomaly in the losses suffered between the "Yellow Jeep" and "Black Jeep" types.   These two groups are not only smaller than "Syndicate Jeeps" and therefore should have died less (as expressed in the previous point), but they are also composed by the same amount of units, therefore the losses should have been exactly the same in both groups ; instead, once again, this time this did not happen I lost 2 + 3 Yellow Jeeps and 2 + 5 Black Jeeps ... why? ... I do not know ... it's a mystery!

I hope these issues will soon find a solution.

[example: a total of 5 drones "roc" (4 + 1 veteran) died in the battle ... for which reason they were all taken away from my deployed forces?!? ... it's a good question!]

Thanks for the support.

Platform ------->
Server ---------> Highlands
ID number..----> uid 733375 / pp12890765 / Highlands / segment01

DeletedTechnical Support
Feb 25, 2019, 15:0302/25/19


The reported case cannot be classified as a bug since this is a part of the regular gameplay. 

I have moved your topic to the Game Discussion thread.

Feb 25, 2019, 22:3902/25/19
Feb 25, 2019, 23:22(edited)

although it is not classifiable as a bug, can I have an answer?

on 5 drones "Roc" dead during the attack, why did the game choose to subtract all 5 drones (100%), selecting them only from the units deployed by me?

why were the losses not distributed equally among all the defenders of the MC?

in general, as regards the total losses, why did the game favor to subtract to me the majority of the dead units? (42.5% of losses belong to me!).

these results are anomalous.

it is not "regular gameplay" as you say!

in a normal result, the percentage of losses resulting from an attack received, should be the same among all the participants in the defense of an MC (ie if I lost 2% of my deployment, anyone who took part in the defense, he will have lost too 2% of his defensive army deployed ... regardless of how big this defensive army was).

If the number of losses is very small and it is not divisible equally by the number of defenders (ex: 5 death units and 100 participants), at least the losses should be assigned one per player, until exhausted (5 drones = removed 1 drone to 5 different players) ... but in this case, conversely, all the losses have been applied to me !!

I repeat that these results are not normal (as you say).
I've been playing this game for 4 years now and I think I'm now able to evaluate what's normal and what's not ...

After 4 years of play it is the first time I see such inequality in the distribution of losses and it is the first time that the victims of a "received attack" almost all belong to me, while the other defenders have not suffered any loss.

Mar 9, 2019, 12:4203/09/19


Yesterday (March 8th) one of our MCs received an attack and I suffered a disproportionate amount of losses compared to the total units lost and compared to the losses of the individual other players who took part in the defense of the MC with me ( some of which deployed a defensive army bigger than mine! ... but their defense was not affected by the attack received!).

Moreover, although I have suffered more losses than all the other players (more than 52% of the units lost in the battle belong to me!), I am also the one who has earned a smaller quantity of PVP Points than the others !!!

That is: other defenders of the MC did not lose even a single unit (although they employed a larger defensive army than mine!), however they got more PVP points than me! ... I have lost more units than any other player in my combine, but I have scored a smaller quantity of points!

Only by selecting all my lost units, and putting them on a repository waiting for them to be destroyed by an attack, I would have gotten a lot more points than those scored in the crash on the MC.

So I would like some explanations about it.

Replying by saying "Regular gameplay" is not a satisfactory answer and it denies the reality of the facts!

I've been playing Soldiers Inc. for 4 years now ... but such a thing has never happened to me !! ... and neither have I ever complained (until now) about the losses suffered as a result of attacks received on our MCs. ... so if I do it now (after 4 years of play) it means that it is NOW that something has happened! ... which leads me to complain about the situation experienced in the last 2 attacks received!

I'm not a noob, I know how the game mechanics work and how the losses suffered in the attacks should be divided among the players!

... and I know very well also how the victims should be distributed among my own units (considering that the groups composed of a greater quantity of units are those that should suffer a greater quantity of losses, proportional to the size of the other groups! ... this means that if I deploy 100 helicopters and 3000 Sappers in defense of a base, there should be more losses between the "sapper group" than the "helicopters group"!) ...

... But this did not happen !!!
I've had more losses in smaller unit groups (100 helicopers), rather than in larger groups (3000 sappers) !!!

this is abnormal !!

I would like to understand why the system mainly subtracts the victims from my units!


Mar 11, 2019, 18:2403/11/19
Mar 11, 2019, 18:28(edited)

Tu ancora non hai capito il gioco. non hai i contratti delle truppe al massimo livello.

 e questo perche  usi poche truppe in difesa ai complex  ,la tua forza difensiva e minore, rispetto di chi usa Molte truppe, percio' le tue muoiono tutte, giustamente'.

 E' regolare, perche' cosi si forza anche a persone che giocano senza impegnarsi a fondo , e non mettono abbastanza truppe al pari dei suoi compagni di coalizione, pensando che gli altri difendano anche per te', che non vuoi perdere mai truppe.


 SE ' tu' mandi 100 sapper e il tuo compagno ne ha 10000, giustamente i tuoi moriranno in maggiore numero. 

Tu giochi, non sai ancora nulla, e non hai mai fatto  missioni zhg oltre la 40. Si sono 4 anni che giochi, ma hai sempre giocato usando le truppe dei tuoi amici.

E  poi non  spendi 1 centesimo nel gioco.. gli sviluppatori e i moderatori, sono impegnanti a rispondere a giocatori che sostengono il gioco.

 Si sempre qui a lamentarti  perche' perdi una. manciata  di truppe.

You still have not understood the game. you do not have troop contracts at the highest level.

 and this because you use a few troops in defense of the complexes, your defensive and minor strength, respect for those who use a lot of troops, so all of you die, rightly '.

 It's regular, because it's so strong even to people who play without committing themselves to the bottom, and they do not put enough troops like their coalition partners, thinking that others will defend for you too, that you never want to lose troops.


 If you send 100 sappers and your partner has 10,000, rightly your parents will die in greater numbers.

You play, you do not know anything yet, and you've never done zhg missions over 40. You've been playing for 4 years, but you've always played using your friends' troops.

And then you do not spend 1 cent in the game .. developers and moderators are committed to answering players who support the game.

 You're always here to complain because you're losing one. handful of troops.

Mar 12, 2019, 07:3803/12/19
Mar 12, 2019, 08:11(edited)

1) I contratti delle mie unità sono al massimo livello (ad eccezione dei livelli che richiedono "Upgrade Designs" / "progetti potenzianti" per essere sviluppati).

2) Non uso affatto poche difese a confronto dei miei compagni (anzi: sono ben al disopra di tanti alti giocatori).

Rispetto le quote richieste dalla Combine per difendere i MCs. Tuttavia ci sono giocatori che eccedono tale quota (per loro scelta / possibilità) ed è questo il motivo per cui io non sono quello che ha la maggiore quota difensiva schierata nei MCs presi in esame (qualcuno ha schierato un po' più di me per sua scelta, NON per mio demerito!).

3) Da quello che scrivi, inoltre, si evince che sei tu quello che non ha capito niente del gioco.

Se uno schieramento difensivo prevede 100 Sappers che appartengono ad un giocatore e altri 10'000 Sappers che appartengono ad un altro giocatore (per un totale di 10'100 unità schierate), è chiaro a tutti che chi ha schierato 10'000 Sappers subirà più perdite in un ipotetico scontro, rispetto a chi ha schierato solamente 100 Sappers (contrariamente a quanto detto da te).

Le perdite vengono ripartite in pari percentuale tra tutti i giocatori che hanno preso parte alla difesa; pertanto, se ipotizziamo che dallo scontro andrà perso il 10% delle unità schierate, entrambi i giocatori perderanno il 10% del loro schieramento, vale a dire: 1000 Sappers saranno persi dal giocatore che ne ha schierati 10k ... e 10 Sappers saranno persi dal giocatore che ne ha schierati 100.

Smettila di scrivere messaggi senza senso solo per inveire contro di me... Pregherei i moderatori di intervenire per rimuovere Post indesiderati, che hanno il solo scopo di denigrarmi e sminuirmi con affermazioni tipo:

- non hai capito il gioco

- non sai niente

- non spedi mai soldi

- fai schifo!

- ecc.

Hai fatto una serie di affermazioni false, prive di fondamento, di cui non hai alcuna conoscenza ("usi poche truppe", "non hai i contratti potenziati", "non ti impeghi", ecc.), perché la verità è che a te non te ne frega niente di come stiano le cose e quali siano i fatti... il tuo unico interesse e scopo è quello di attaccarmi e darmi addosso a prescindere da quello che io dica.

... e comunque, qualunque sia la logica che ti inventi per darmi torto, i conti non tornano comunque!

Infatti, sia i tanti giocatori che schieravano meno forza difensiva di me (e che hanno unità piu' scarse e meno sviluppate delle mie), sia i pochi che schieravano più di me, HANNO TUTTI SUBITO PERDITE NOTEVOLMENTE INFERIORI ALLE ME !!

Se - come da te sostenuto - gli "scarsoni" che schierano poco e non hanno le unità potenziate perdono più truppe (cosa falsa!), come mai le decine di giocatori che erano più scarsi di me non hanno subito alcuna perdita nello scontro?

come mai anche coloro che schieravano più difese di me non hanno subito perdite?

Il fatto è che, l'unico che ha subito perdite rilevanti, sono io... e lo si può leggere chiaramente nei dati riportati sopra.

Inoltre, se il problema dipendesse da una mia incapacità o da un deficit delle mie unità (che sono poco potenziate o altro), allora certamente mi sarei accorto di questo problema anni addietro... invece NO! ... solo ora mi lamento!

Due mesi fa non c'era questo problema... adesso Sì (di punto in bianco!).

Che io sia bravo o no a giocare, ho passato 4 anni con le unità schierate nei MCs e non ho mai avuto niente da ridire per le perdite subite (perché erano regolari !!!!) ... guardacaso, invece, proprio ora, dopo 4 anni che gioco, le perdite che subisco negli attacchi non mi sembrano più normali !!

Due sono le possibilità:

- o tutt'a un tratto mi sono immattito.

- oppure effettivamente, da un mese a questa parte, c'è un'anomalia nelle perdite che subisco! (che prima non c'era!!)

Il fatto che io avverta un anomalia nelle perdite subite, rispetto ai 4 anni di gioco precedenti, è un'osservazione obiettiva, che prescinde dal fatto che io sia bravo a giocare o no.

posso anche essere il giocatore più scarso, ma resta il fatto che IO riscontro una differenza tra prima e adesso!

Quindi non ha alcun senso far riferimento alla mia bravuta...

se ero bravo prima, lo sono anche ora...

se ero scarso prima, lo sono anche ora...

Ma resta il fatto che ora rilevo delle anomalie enormi nelle perdite delle unità, che prima non riscontravo (e sono sempre io a valutare la situazione... non è qualcun'altro!).

Attendo risposte serie da gente obbiettiva, che vuole spiegarmi quanto accaduto; non da attaccabrighe che - a prescindere dalla verità - mi darebbero torto in ogni caso perché in collera con me.

Astenersi attaccabrighe !!!

MOD ... take action to block "haters", "trolls", "bait-er" and "spammers" which have the sole purpose of ruining my threads and downplaying my value and the value of my statements !


I'm waiting for your response to the objective problem I raised in this thread.

Mar 13, 2019, 09:3803/13/19

Hi, Red Terror. Thank you for all these details. 

The thing is that all the battle calculations are performed by our game server and it works correctly. Even I don't know all the exact details on how the battle outcome is made but there are many factors which can influence the result of the battle. Such as Units stats, active bonuses, the overall percentage of Units from both sides, their type and so on. 

Here is a good article on this matter. I hope this information will be useful >>>

Mar 13, 2019, 18:0003/13/19
Mar 13, 2019, 18:18(edited)

This article was not helpful.

I repeat that I am not a noob, I know how the game works and up to now, for 4 years of play, I have never encountered any problems, I have never had reason to complain about the losses I suffered in the attacks, since my losses were always "normal" ... therefore, if, always me, I now evaluate my losses as "abnormal", it means that something has happened in the last few months.

Otherwise why, right now, should I change my mind after 4 years of play?

Losses suffered as a result of an attack received should be shared in equal percentage among all the players who took part in the defense of a base ... for example:

"player 1" ----> he deploys a force of 2.5 million defensive value.

"player 2" ----> he deploys a force of 3 million defensive value.

"player 3" ----> he deploys a force of 2 million defensive value.

"player 4" ----> he deploys a force of 1.2 million defensive value.

"player 5" ----> he deploys a force equal to 600k of defensive value.

"player 6" ----> he deploys a force equal to 300k of defensive value.

"player 7" ----> he deploys a force equal to 400k of defensive value.

TOTAL DEFENSES DEPLOYED: 10 million defensive force.

If, by defending a MC, these 7 players receive an attack that inflicts to them a loss equal to 15% of the deployed forces (15% of 10 million = 1.5 million losses!), the rule of the game provides that to each one of them is subtracted the sufficient number of units so that their personal "group of units" will suffer a loss of 15% of the defensive force they initially deployed.

Thus, the losses will be broken down as follows:

"player 1" ----> -15% (375k) ---> 2,125,000 surviving defensive forces.

"player 2" ----> -15% (450k) ---> 2,550,000 surviving defensive forces.

"player 3" ----> -15% (300k) ---> 1,700,000 surviving defensive forces.

"player 4" ----> -15% (180k) ---> 1,020,000 surviving defensive forces.

"player 5" ----> -15% (90k) ----> 510,000 surviving defensive forces.

"player 6" ----> -15% (45k) ----> 255,000 surviving defensive forces.

"player 7" ----> -15% (60k) ----> 340,000 surviving defensive forces.

Note that I am not talking about units (number of units, etc.), but I always refer to defensive force!

This means that all the personal bonuses and improvements do not affect the results above reported by me, however a greater number of units could be subtracted from the player who has fewer bonuses and improvements that enhance his troops, so that he reaches the right amount of "Defensive Force" that it is up to him to lose.


- "player A" reaches a defensive force of 50,000 by deploying 1000 sappers (because his sappers are "super-powered")

- "player B" also reaches a defensive force of 50,000 but to reach this value he needs to deploy 1500 sappers (because his sappers are not upgraded).

Therefore, their deployment is as follows:

1000 + 1500 sappers (= 50k + 50k defensive forces!)

When this deployment receives an attack, both players lose the same percentage of defensive forces (- 15% = - 7,500 defensive forces).

However, "player A" only loses 150 sappers (which in this example constitute a defensive value of 7500) while his friend, "player B", loses 225 sappers (because - since his sapper are weaker than those of his friend - in order to reach the expected share of losses it is necessary to subtract a greater number of units in his deployment).

In the above reported cases (two different attacks on our MCs) this fairness in the distribution of the losses was not respected and I suffered more losses than anyone else, in a remarkably and clearly disproportionate way.
The error is so obvious that I immediately realized it and came here to ask for explanations.

I repeat once again that these are not the first two times that I receive attacks on MCs ... it's been 4 years that I have units deployed inside the MCs and I've never had problems like this!


Referring to the previous example, it could be said that the proportion of losses was broken down as follows:


"player 1" ----> 2.5 million defensive value.

"player 2" ----> 3 million defensive value.

"player 3" ----> 2 million defensive value.

"player 4" ----> 1.2 million defensive value.

"player 5" ----> 600k of defensive value.

"player 6" ----> 300k of defensive value.

"player 7" ----> 400k of defensive value.




1.5 million (total lost forces) distributed in this way among the players:

"player 1" ----> (-9% = - 225,000) ------> remaining forces: 2,275,000

"player 2" ----> (-9% = - 270,000) ------> remaining forces: 2,730,000

"player 3" ---> (-39% = - 780,000) ----> remaining forces: 1,220,000

"player 4" ----> (-9% = - 108,000) ------> remaining forces: 1,092,000

"player 5" ----> (-9% = - 54,000) --------> remaining forces: 546,000

"player 6" ----> (-9% = - 27,000) --------> remaining forces: 273,000

"player 7" ----> (-9% = - 36,000) --------> remaining forces: 364,000

The "player 3" of this example (me) is totally bugged compared to the other players !! (there is an error!)

He lost 39% of his defensive army (equal to 52% of total losses!), while all his other playmates lost only 9% of their defensive army.

The "player 3" is neither the one who deploys the largest defensive army, nor the one who deploys the smallest army ... but the system has abnormally raged on him, subtracting significantly more units from his "group of units" than from the "group of units" of any other player!


The losses I suffered in the attacks occurred in MCs in the previous 4 years of play, have always been correctly / equally distributed, according to the criterion explained here.

now I am facing on this "difference in results", never experienced before!

I wait for answers about this change in results (inequality in the distribution of losses) that I am experiencing in the latest attacks received in our MCs (which I have already reported in previous posts).


Mar 23, 2019, 18:0803/23/19

io nooffendo. ti conosco. sono stato il tuo CEO per 3 annu. e ti conosco bene, tu non puoi pretendere nulla di quello che chiedi. I contratti livello 20 sono molto deboli. tu 'non vuoi spendere. se io possiedo 100 eli potenziati con contratto livello 32 ecco perche 'perdi di piu,. Non usi mai esecutivo, perdi punti difesa anche li '. hai eroe senza articoli difesa aviazione e corazzati,

  In pratica se non alzi il livello delle tue truppe  , le tue perdite saranno sempre le maggiori. GIUSTAMENTE. 

 STAI occupando posto nel forum , con lamentele di un giocatore che non sostiene il gioco in nessun modo.

 Devi fare le missioni di alto livello zhg per potenziare l'eroe, NON LAMENTARTI DI QUESTO.


E ricorda , se qualcuno attacca il tuo complex , AL 100% avra' attivato  articoli come il 50 % ATTACCO DIFESA +.

Avra' ATTIVATO STATO ESECUTIVO ,  e controlla il. suo stato esecutivo , magari livello 15. il tuo e' a  10.

Controlla dalla  sua  base  lo stato del  suo  EROE , puoi visionare i suoi bonus entrando nella sua base.

 Ci cono mille  fattori per qui tu non puoi lamentarti, vuoi giocare ad un gioco altamente competitivo. dove tu non vuoi spendere nemmeno 1 euro.


Non i punti nei tornei.  QUESTO NON E' UN GIOCO PER TE'.

Mar 27, 2019, 11:0803/27/19

Thank you for all the feedback, commanders. 

I've contacted our devs on this matter and they informed me that all the battle calculations are right and we haven't changed anything in that matter last time. So, the battle occurred within the normal gameplay. 
Apr 3, 2019, 04:2104/03/19
Apr 3, 2019, 04:39(edited)

Boris Shevchenko said:

Thank you for all the feedback, commanders. 

I've contacted our devs on this matter and they informed me that all the battle calculations are right and we haven't changed anything in that matter last time. So, the battle occurred within the normal gameplay. 

So your conclusion is that it is normal that I am the only one who loses a greater percentage of defensive force than all the other teammates who took part in the defense of the MC with me.

Whether the other players who took part in the defense of the MC are poorer or stronger than me, or if they deploy a quantity of defensive forces greater or less than mine ... ALL THIS IS INDIFFERENT! ...for some strange reason I am destined to lose more defensive forces than any other player, regardless of any logical criteria that has always governed this game for 4 years now.

Could you explain the logic of this statement and why have I never experienced this situation before?

Why, so far, if my teammates lost 10% of their defensive forces, me too did I lose 10% exactly like them?

what happened to this principle?

For example: If all the other defenders of our MC (both the weakest and the strongest of me) lose a fixed percentage of their deployed defensive forces, which is the same for all (eg 1%), for what reason do you think it is right that I (and only me!) should I lose a larger percentage (eg 10-11%)?

Example: why if the total losses include 5 roc, does the system take these 5 roc EXCLUSIVELY from my group of units, instead of taking only 1 roc from each player, from 5 different players? (thus distributing the losses as evenly as possible ... how has it always happened so far)?

What you declare doesn't make sense.
These results are wrong.

I demand more explanations about these results.
It is not enough to say that it is normal, you must also say why it is normal.

I invite you to re-read with greater attention the results of the two clashes, which I dispute:

Apr 3, 2019, 10:2204/03/19

Thank you for getting back to me. 

As it was mentioned above by support agent and me, the reported case cannot be classified as a bug since this is a part of the regular gameplay. 

I sure understand that you lost a big part of your army, however, in a war strategy game losses are unavoidable from time to time. The good thing is that it's always possible to rebuild your army again. 

I wish you luck in the game and new victories!

Apr 10, 2019, 15:5404/10/19

Boris Shevchenko said:

Thank you for getting back to me. 

As it was mentioned above by support agent and me, the reported case cannot be classified as a bug since this is a part of the regular gameplay. 

I sure understand that you lost a big part of your army, however, in a war strategy game losses are unavoidable from time to time. The good thing is that it's always possible to rebuild your army again. 

I wish you luck in the game and new victories!

You are making a fool of me?!?

But do you read what I write or do you apply ready-made answers, in order to answer me?!? 

I have not lost a big part of my army ....

in truth: I lost a really small part of my army (approx 1 or 2%) ....

... but this is not the subject of the speech!!

What I am disputing here is the anomalous mode of distribution of the losses (never happened until now) among dozens of players who took part in the defense of the MC (more than half of the losses was applied to me, although there is no valid reason for this to happen!)

My other teammates have lost nothing or only 1 or 2 units ... vice versa, I lost a significantly greater amount of defensive strength (compared to them!) than anyone else in the group that took part in the defense of the MC.

I have already said everything above (in previous posts).

I'm not going to repeat myself 10 times.

All the data necessary to understand that my losses are excessive compared to those of the other MC defenders are reported in the previous messages.

I await a logical and sensible answer, which clearly explains why the system has applied almost all the losses of the battle on me! (instead of distributing them equally among all participants).

I remember that I am thinking in terms of "percentage of defensive value LOST" (not "number of units lost" !!), therefore all the bonuses of the single units have no reason to be drawn out, since they are already considered in the disproportionately defensive value subtracted to me compared to my other friends (which I am contesting).

Your position is indefensible, because in reality there is no possibility of affirming that it is right that I lost more than other players (in percentage) ... since this would be a personal fury of the game against my person (without any mathematical logic governing this result).

You cannot, under any circumstances, state that it is right for me to lose a greater percentage of defenses forces, than any other participant in the defense of the MC (regardless whether they are stronger or weaker than me, or that they have deployed a smaller or greater army than mine)... because this is patently wrong to assert !! (if you keep insisting that they are normal gameplay results, it would be a "normality" that only implies "me" as the only one penalized compared to all the others!)

Indeed, the rule of the game states that the percentage of victims is the same for every defender, regardless of the amount of defensive forces deployed by each player (calculated in defensive strength).

that's why if all the other players have lost an irrelevant quantity of units in their groups (equal to approx 0.001% or nothing!) and, in contrast, my personal group of units suffered a percentage of loss greater than the group of any other player (applox 1 or 2%)
... there is no possibility for you to say that this is right.

Again: if almost all the losses of the battle were applied on me by the system (instead of being distributed!), once again there is no way for you to say that this is "right" or "normal".

This is the incontrovertible truth of the facts.

There is no way for you to say that what has happened is normal ... unless you pull out a universal game rule that I don't know (which applies to all players equally) that justifies these results .

Apr 15, 2019, 13:3304/15/19

I just want to say one last thing before leaving you to your shame!

Yesterday we suffered another attack on one of our MCs.

Considering that this attack was more massive than those reported above, we have all lost more units compared to the attacks here disputed, but in this case I have nothing to complain about!

This is because in this case the distribution of losses performed by the game was correct, both by relating my losses to those of my other teammates (we all suffered the same percentage of losses), and also in relation to my personal losses, which were correctly distributed among my unit groups; that is to say that my most numerous "groups of units" have suffered more losses than my less numerous groups, in a linear and proportionate way (therefore: if a group was composed of 1000 units and 10 have died, then another group composed of 100 units inevitably suffered only one loss! and another group composed of 500 units suffered 5 losses and so on... in accordance with the principle of the same percentage of losses between all types of units you deployed and also among the various players taking part in the defense).

This is what happened in yesterday's attack and despite the losses were greater (due to the more massive attack) everything was regular in the number of losses, in the percentage of losses and in the distribution of losses!

Conversely, I remind you that all this has not been respected in the two cases reported above (in above posts), in the previous two disputed cases, the following things happened:

  • In relation to my teammates I have suffered much more losses than any of them (reasoning in percentage value of defensive force).
  • Even the distribution of my personal losses, among my various groups of deployed units, was abnormal (in a group of 500 units there were more losses than in a group of 2500 units! ... thus not respecting the principle of linearity in the distribution of losses!).

This is to say that I am not "crazy" or that I do not accept to lose a minimum quantity of units during the attacks, but I simply do not accept to be bullied by the game that removes a much larger quantity of units from me than from any other player! (taking all attack victims almost exclusively from my unit group and leaving the other players untouched!).

I still wait to know why this is considered "normal"...
As far as I know, there is no rule that says that if your name is "Red-Terror", then you will lose more units than any other player!

So... could you please explain why what happened is considered normal since it seemed like a "personal fury" of the game exclusively against my account?

I am even willing to lose all my army (or a share higher than the one disputed here - as happened in yesterday's attack) if the attack received implies that I should lose that quantity of units ...

... But I also claim even a single unit lost, if it should not have happened and it is the result of a malfunction!

Once again I invite you to reread the results to become aware that they are totally wrong:

I only tell you that, in my personal deployment, the groups composed of the greatest number of units were those in "light infantry" department ... but instead, despite this condition, there were more victims in the "aviation" department  and "armor/vehicles" too (despite these were the smaller groups!).

So the principle of linearity in the distribution of losses was totally messed up in these two cases I am disputing!

I would like these speeches to be shown to the technicians and if you continue to claim that it is normal, I would like me to be given a logical explanation of what happened !! (i.e. the reason why was the distribution of losses abnormal, both within my own groups compared to their numerical size, and also in relation to my teammates, all of which have suffered a percentage of losses significantly lower than mine!).

That's all.

Apr 17, 2019, 11:2304/17/19

Hello! Thank you for all the details. 

As it was mentioned above, all the battles calculations are performed by our game server and it takes into account a lot of factors (active bonuses, Units type, Special Operatives bonuses and so on). So, the battle outcome is correct. 

I won't be able to give you more information on this matter.