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Repositories and Allies

Repositories and Allies

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Sep 26, 2018, 18:2309/26/18

Repositories and Allies

         Repositories are a great place to collect resources but I get attacked more by allies then I do by members that have no diplomacy with my combine. I hear all types of excuses as to why I get hit by allies and most of them stink. I don't care if someone hits me to get a little PvP and it doesn't take out my troops, but you people that hit me with big numbers and try to take me out is getting old. Sure that repository isn't mine and I don't own it,  I just want is to collect resources off of it and that is all. But there I am  and the next thing you know I get hit by an Ally and they are most of the time in the top 20. And like I said they all use lame excuses. There seem to be two sets of rules out there on the map about repositories. Some allies think it is o.k.(in which they have no honor and they should not be trusted in any type of diplomacy) and then you have the ally that wouldn't think of touching you at a repository because diplomacy is an honorable agreement. An ally to Panther Rangers is an ally no matter where they are at and that means anywhere. Believe it, there are other combines out there that have the same Code of Honor and do as we do and I would trust them under any circumstance. So commander if your an ally and you want to hit an ally at a repository you should think about it and where your honor lies because your actions are being watched and people are deciding if you can really be trust worthy as an ally. How would it look if I got a hold of Your CEO and said hey so and so attacked me at a repository and we are allies and I am going to retaliate and you are at risk of losing your diplomacy because your member has no honor. I mean it, what is up with you guys that think an ally is meant to be hit at repositories. I would like to see this thread continue and see where it heads..........

Dan Smith

Panther Rangers****United We Stand**** 
Sep 27, 2018, 00:1409/27/18
Commander,,Thank you for this post..You certainly gave us something to think about..Repositories may be "Fair" are we playing fairly with our allies?
Sep 27, 2018, 17:3909/27/18

Robert, thanks for your reply. It's time for all commanders to start thinking about this. Come on why does it make any sense to take out a allies defense at a repository. It's not like that repository is there for ever and a commander is not going to claim it as his. It is gone in less then 2 days and is bad enough fighting off members that you have no diplomacy with your team. A lower level commander doesn't even have a chance collecting any resources most the time because he is attacked within minutes of his occupation and most the time it is an ally that wipes out his forces. It comes down to no honor and a excuse to get away with bull, Fair Game was thought up by someone that pulled one over on someone else and got away with it. Repositories are the most abused location on the map when it comes to allies and it needs to be cleaned up. It's mind jolting to me that any ally would attack another ally anywhere on the map except the ones that have no honor and that's what it boils down to. Let's fix this. 

Dan Smith

Oct 5, 2018, 18:4510/05/18

I also want to leave a reason for my contribution to this topic.

I also think that allies should not weaken each other. Destroying Troops never has anything to do with me respecting an ally.

So at least the smaller members have a real chance to collect some resources, if they are not beaten by allies.

I thank Dan for the post.

Good game everyone.


Oct 21, 2018, 13:5610/21/18

Dan, you certainly have a point.

Its not decent to wipe out troops of an ally.

We have seen in the past that once we made an agreement not to hit an ally on farms or depots that some players started to claim every good farm in sight.

So they left us with practicly nowhere to raid for resources.
The CEO was bombarded with mails about complaints and violations.

Since that time our policy (Ghostwolves combine) has always been, farms and depots (later plarium introduced repositories) are free for all.
Many combines here have the same rules.

Raiding a repository held by an ally is no violation of combine policy, but its still something i personally would never do.

But we all know there are some big coiners out there with huge armies always on the lookout for troops to kill.
They dont care who they hit, all they care about is killing stuff.  

One of the reasons you will never find me in a repository.
Its just not worth it.

If you lose 1 air unit defending it, calculate how much longer you need to hold that repo for collecting enough resources to pay for that unit.
There is always some pvp tournament going on, i condider that a huge risk of getting attacks on repos.

If you want pvp, fine.
But for the resources, i have seen to often you lose more then you get out of them.
Plarium designed them to be death traps.

Oct 22, 2018, 18:1510/22/18
SABRETOOTH, thank you for your reply and as players in this game we can change what ever Plarium intended Repositories for and we are working on getting the word out so repositories are no longer fair game. As allies we can play smart and turn this around. Regards Dan Smith
Oct 26, 2018, 21:2810/26/18
Oct 27, 2018, 01:56(edited)

Commander Dan, I totally agreed with you. I have follow diplomacy policy in repostories and depoits, so I have not hit ally in those. But if any of our ally have hit my repostory or depoit, I have return favor. Basicly, if combine X member that is our ally, hit my repostory or depoint. I will hit all of the members repostories and depoints, that still is inside of this "fair game" rule.

And about this fair game rule, how has made it and what is authority who deside if it have been broken and how punishment will be sented if that has happen?
Oct 30, 2018, 17:2910/30/18

General Rambo, very good post and as allies we need to lay down rules we all agree on. For now I explained in my first post what I will do but this is something we all need to agree on and I don't mean the way I laid it out. This is something I done just to give other commanders a fair warning.

       Thanks Dan  
May 3, 2019, 02:4505/03/19

Dan ty for sharing this thread with me. Currently our combine (BULLS) sits on the old fence where "Under no circumstances are main bases or mining complexes of combines we have peace or ally with to be attacked or reconned. Occupations, depots and repositories are fair game". 

Its good to have a standard, even if it is an older benchmark. We are now setting about discussing this within admin. My CEO (Johnny63) agrees that hitting an allied repo or depot is a "cheap", " "safe" " hit for pvp. The adjective he used to describe the aggressor was apt. This thread I hope will encourage combines with old standards and those without any, but yet, desiring diplomacy to revamp or create their diplomatic charter consisting clearly what it means to be an ally and aptly communicated to members and those ally prospects. Start the ball rolling correctly.

Repos and Depots are not my thing, as pointed out by Sabretooth, not worth it. I commend you for going on point re "fair game", "honor" and for getting the word out so repositories and depots are no longer fair game, under the cover of diplomacy. This thread presents opportunity for players to identify with leaders who agree that attacking an ally is the camouflage  of genuine ill will and presents the opportunity to verify its simply just wrong to weaken external brothers. 

Ally / Peace relationships are chartered within the mechanics of the game. The relationship side is left for combines to develop. It makes no sense for Ally to weaken another. It cant be said enough until it becomes a corner stone of combine charters.

FARMS - this is a tough one. If a guy lands in a trap it should not be set by an ally. Have had that happen to me - reconned 1 sapper, arrive 15,000 Drakes. The farms of ally's should be, as we discussed in-game, involve some communication. Might be that 1 of 25 is annexed and permission is given to attack 3 others. A win win situation. i don't expect to find an ally on everything around me or everything near to me either. Esp if the base is not showing up in the weekly achievements, just occ for posture is not playing the game correctly. There must be purpose in execution.Not the senseless deprivation of res raids from ally neighbors, who now have to take long raids just because its an ally taking up everything. Long raids for res are also strategic but not always necessary. Again occupy is a part of the game and having one or three farms I can understand a guy getting a peeved when he gets bumped. I still expect him to be polite. the greater mechanic here however is the management of an ally farm. 

I hope this thread is successful and irons out the ills executed within the realm of diplomacy and brings greater benefits to the little bases that want a shot at collecting something at a repo or depo.  ( :          and ally agreements extend to not weakening an ally.

Again thanks Dan, I hope to see many more people posting here and I hope we can all grow from the comments. This might b the 2nd time if ever I have posted on the forum. 

Jun 12, 2019, 17:5206/12/19
Nice post Souljah, and your right alls it takes is everyone working together and coming to an agreement.
Jun 12, 2019, 20:1406/12/19
I see this thread and is great! All players should honor alliances every where. I have tried repos and gave up because Semper Fi only ones that ever attack me. Move to different combine so I can retaliate if have to because most other combines won't allow it on repo against ally. Gunny and his association are bullies, always pick on little guys.
Jun 12, 2019, 21:0306/12/19
I would love to go back to the repositories but will not because allies do not respect diplomacy. It would be great if we all could get a few resources and not worry about allies. It's bad enough when someone with out diplomacy attacks. As far as Gunny goes he is biggest player in the game and will always make his own rules. It's just like the farms he sits on he calls his and can't play like everyone else, he put's out pm months ago to all Ceo's making threats and scaring everyone that if they touch his farms he will attack. I bet all these commanders have tried to talk to Gunny and reason with him and he is like an old dinosaur saying my way or no way because I am bigger then all of you. I have seen some of the reports passed around and I don't think Gunny is all that. I hope you people keep working on this and make it work for everyone and remember the dinosaurs are dead.
Jul 11, 2019, 15:0007/11/19

Hello there,

I've been reading the reports here carefully.

I myself and my partners are already holding it in such a way that depots and warehouses are not attacked.

As far as the farms are concerned, up to 3 are free with partners. Everything which goes beyond that, there the players should communicate among themselves and agree upon.

Unfortunately, there are opponents in the game who only attack with cobra units. And that in a number of troops that you can't defend as a normal player.

Here an intervention of Plarium would also be very helpful. Because as a player who occupies a camp, you can't put cobra units in the camp.

Otherwise I think it's good that finally something is done against partners destroying each other's units.

MfG Patriot

Jul 16, 2019, 09:1907/16/19

Patriot said:

Hello there,

I've been reading the reports here carefully.

I myself and my partners are already holding it in such a way that depots and warehouses are not attacked.

As far as the farms are concerned, up to 3 are free with partners. Everything which goes beyond that, there the players should communicate among themselves and agree upon.

Unfortunately, there are opponents in the game who only attack with cobra units. And that in a number of troops that you can't defend as a normal player.

Here an intervention of Plarium would also be very helpful. Because as a player who occupies a camp, you can't put cobra units in the camp.

Otherwise I think it's good that finally something is done against partners destroying each other's units.

MfG Patriot

Thank you for this feedback, Patriot. Sure, like in every hardcore strategy war game, you can face very strong opponents in the game from time to time. However, Cobra feature is available for all the players who reach lvl.60 in the game. So, it's possible to train a strong Cobra army for everyone. Also, you can play in an active Combine and confront even the strongest gamers in Soldiers with the help of all your team. 

I wish you new victories in the game and believe that you can cope with all the in-game challenges!
Jul 17, 2019, 05:1207/17/19
Jul 17, 2019, 05:23(edited)

Hi, I'm not much of a FORUM person, but I was browsing around earlier and I noticed this topic and the lively discussions that followed.  There are many good ideas that have been mentioned above.  I've thought about this topic most the day and after much thought, here are some items I wish to comment on.  There are always 2 (or more) sides to every issue...and normally both sides feel they are right.  Well on this topic there is probably not a definitive right or wrong.  

First, all decisions you make in life should be made rationally, clear of emotions and not off-the-cuff reactions to something.  Always step back, take a deep breath, clear your mind, put yourself in the other person's shoes...see the pros/cons of the issue, weigh what is right and wrong, prioritize what an appropriate response might be, ask for inputs from others.  After all this...then act on what you believe is the best course of action.

It is too easy to just say...this is a war game, I attack who I want and when I want.  I don't believe any successful general/leader ever does that.  If they do they are not successful for very long.  This game is like chess, played with strategy and tactics.  What moves can I make that will, in the long run make me (and my friends) successful.

There is a reason why diplomacy is part of this game.  I grew up under the motto..."Cooperate and Graduate"...meaning help others out and also accept the help of others.  No man is an island.  Sure there are those who feel they can go it alone, if they join a combine or a diplomatic alliance, it's to figure out how to use the combine/diplomacy to their benefit/advantage in a way that they can "use others".  These are not good teammates.  They don't want rules, guidance or instructions.  Basically they are rogue "wild canons".

OK I'm getting off the subject.  If you have a friend (diplomacy), you want to do what is best for both of you.  Like a doctor's do no harm.  So, since the game concept has diplomacy, then the developers do not want everyone to just fight against each other all the time.  Diplomatic cooperation means there has to be some sort of rules, agreements, truces.  

Diplomacy's main rule is to not attack the Main Base, MCs or HQ of diplomatic members.  After that I've played (at various times) under the rule to do no harm to diplomatic members at Farms/Occupations, Repos and well rules that state these areas are "free play" zones (no rules).

Well because diplomatic combines make agreements to mutually get ahead, I've seen where they have coordinated attacks on each other's MCs and HQs, in order to gain tourney points and for upgrade/achievement badge advancements.  But this is done ONLY AFTER COORDINATION has been discussed between all involved (diplomacy was given a chance to work).  Sometimes this coordination takes place days before the designated actions. Yes, I've seen even some of the best laid-out plans go wrong and accidental mistakes made...which results in a lot of ill-feelings and toes being stepped on. Honest mistakes do happen.  Life is not easy.

Anyway, if diplomatic cooperation can be done for HQ and MC missions...then why can't this diplomatic cooperation also work for Farms, Repos and Depots?  Send a Recon mission to these areas and if you see diplomatic member there send a message and ask for a cooperative raid to occur, and then state you will RETURN THE FAVOR to that member.  What's wrong with advance communication?  If you can't communicate your desired actions in advance...THEN STAY AWAY.

Now, if you feel a diplomatic member is "monopolizing" all the "choice properties", then send a message and ask them to "share".  A cooperative diplomacy member will allow it.  If the member is non-cooperative ... message the CEO about this non-cooperation and have the CEO deal with it.  Cooperate and graduate.

I've taken too much time putting my thoughts on paper, I hope you get the gist of what I've stated.  

By the way, I do not go to repos/depots (too many players that just will not agree with what I've stated above) going to these places will only create issues.  And as far as farms go...I only need 3.  And if I want to keep them, then I defend them.  Don't want to defend them, then don't have them.


Jul 17, 2019, 08:5007/17/19

Thank you for your thoughts, GMM. I think some players will agree with you. Sure, every player chooses his own strategy of the gameplay. I can agree that diplomacy is one of the most important things in games like ours. 

Happy gaming!
May 15, 2022, 20:0705/15/22

"Honer" isn't going to Pay the Bills...

that is how a lot of Commanders see it.

Those of us who have our Eyes on the "Bigger Picture" (For our Combines, Allies, and Coalitions now) "Honer" goes a LONG, LONG way.

yeah, i could Roll in and smoke your 1,000 Drakes at the Repot. i might get 3k PvP points.

what dose that translate into for the Payout? 50 Maulers?

And i've made a NEW kind of Enemy. one who JUST might have 50 aults and is NOW going to come down on me AND my Combine From 100 Different Directions simply becuase they thought we were allies and im blasting on them. i showed where my "Alligences" stood, and my Allie wasnt among them... Obviously.

Mistakes Happen, you were Rushing, you have to get out the door, You Hit a Bad patch of LAG which causes YET MORE mistakes.

cases like this, its hard to stay mad. "stuff happens". and is responded with "Please check your targets before engaging them".

but getting the Reponse "Repotes are Fair game"... Naaa, you and yours are NOW fair game too.

and any kind of Diploamcy with them AND their Team will ALL but "Evaporate"...

May 17, 2022, 05:3805/17/22

"Honer" isn't going to Pay the Bills...

that is how a lot of Commanders see it.

Those of us who have our Eyes on the "Bigger Picture" (For our Combines, Allies, and Coalitions now) "Honer" goes a LONG, LONG way.

yeah, i could Roll in and smoke your 1,000 Drakes at the Repot. i might get 3k PvP points.

what dose that translate into for the Payout? 50 Maulers?

And i've made a NEW kind of Enemy. one who JUST might have 50 aults and is NOW going to come down on me AND my Combine From 100 Different Directions simply becuase they thought we were allies and im blasting on them. i showed where my "Alligences" stood, and my Allie wasnt among them... Obviously.

Mistakes Happen, you were Rushing, you have to get out the door, You Hit a Bad patch of LAG which causes YET MORE mistakes.

cases like this, its hard to stay mad. "stuff happens". and is responded with "Please check your targets before engaging them".

but getting the Reponse "Repotes are Fair game"... Naaa, you and yours are NOW fair game too.

and any kind of Diploamcy with them AND their Team will ALL but "Evaporate"...

I agree