xXDeathXxAug 10, 2018, 15:5008/10/1808/29/1716Silly Question - To only PlariumHello, are there indians in the game , SOLDIER INC?I see there are two combines named INDIAN-INDIAN FIGHTERS: 10- 20 indians-INDIAN PARATROOPERS : 45 americans, 10 Spanish, 5 french, 5 Dutch etc etcaRE THERE OTHER INDIANS OR NOT?
Bill0AlmorraAug 11, 2018, 09:5008/11/18Aug 11, 2018, 09:51(edited)06/13/151408Hey Commander, I am unable to tell you if there are other Indian combines. I think the best way to find out is to search in the list from each server ! This is the most efficient way but also the longest.