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Loading Game is imposible

Loading Game is imposible

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May 12, 2017, 17:2705/12/17

Loading Game is imposible

Browser's can't load the game, because of adobe flashplayer is not longer supported by Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome. I've got an account but is imposible to reach Tech Support without flashplayer.

I need a solution please.
May 12, 2017, 22:1005/12/17
garciarjl said:

Browser's can't load the game, because of adobe flashplayer is not longer supported by Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome. I've got an account but is imposible to reach Tech Support without flashplayer.

I need a solution please.
Sir...I have no problem accessing my game...I don't know if your problem is all due to "flash player" issues..but try this..1) Clear/clean your browser/cache..2) check that your current version of "flash" is up to date ( this needs to be done on a reg. basis as new versions of flash come out frequently)..Sometimes ( and again I do not know if this is the problem ) you will have to delete Google Chrome from your PC and re-install ( I've had to do this before)..4) A lot of people have had thier loading issues resolved by using the VPN extention on thier browser..Good luck Sir and I hope 1 of these can help you with your issue