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No base defense

No base defense

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Feb 24, 2017, 01:0302/24/17

No base defense

One of my combine mates has spent over $100.00 in base defense.

He has been attacked 3 times now and not one single attacker has been killed.  What the heck is going on with base defense.  How about giving everyone who has bought base defense their money back.

Also, the amount that one pays to upgrade does not even come close to what one earns in return.
Feb 24, 2017, 03:3602/24/17
Feb 24, 2017, 04:31(edited)

Dragon, not talking about boost - talking about all those defense guns, etc one has to pay diamonds to get.  He spent over $100.00 worth of diamonds buying a bunch of them and yet when he is raided not one single attacker is killed.

Something seriously wrong here. 

Edit - And it takes over 10K to upgrade from 10 to 11 on rations to get a 29/hr increase - something seriously wrong here as well.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Feb 24, 2017, 12:0202/24/17
jbrown1000 said:

Dragon, not talking about boost - talking about all those defense guns, etc one has to pay diamonds to get.  He spent over $100.00 worth of diamonds buying a bunch of them and yet when he is raided not one single attacker is killed.

Something seriously wrong here. 

Edit - And it takes over 10K to upgrade from 10 to 11 on rations to get a 29/hr increase - something seriously wrong here as well.
Dragon is right. This Base Defense Bonus itself won't protect your Base. It boosts the Defensive stat of your Units stationed at your Base, so you need to have those Units outside the Bunker if you want to kill rival attacking forces :)
Feb 25, 2017, 00:2302/25/17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Dragon is right. This Base Defense Bonus itself won't protect your Base. It boosts the Defensive stat of your Units stationed at your Base, so you need to have those Units outside the Bunker if you want to kill rival attacking forces :)

OK - one more time.  I am NOT talking about BONUSES - I am talking about TURRET' s and ARTILLERY  - you know, those things that are suppose to FIGHT when your base is attacked?  He had it all - walls included - and not one single attacker died.  If these things aren't suppose to kill attackers, change the wording on them AND RETURN THE MONEY.
Feb 25, 2017, 00:3002/25/17

jbrown1000 said:

One of my combine mates has spent over $100.00 in base defense.

He has been attacked 3 times now and not one single attacker has been killed.  What the heck is going on with base defense.  How about giving everyone who has bought base defense their money back.

Also, the amount that one pays to upgrade does not even come close to what one earns in return.

Sir...Base Defense is a Bonus...Therefore you must have some of your defense in the yard to activate your base defense bonus..With out Defense the base defense bonus is useless

Feb 25, 2017, 01:1302/25/17
So, Robert, you are saying that turrets and artillery do not, in fact, defend the base unless you have a BONUS?  And, of course, it says that right there under the ! where you buy them, right?  Well, no, it doesn't.  Must be some place else, huh?  Sounds like a way to cheat people out of their money to me, how about you?
Feb 25, 2017, 22:4702/25/17
Feb 25, 2017, 22:52(edited)
jbrown1000 said:

So, Robert, you are saying that turrets and artillery do not, in fact, defend the base unless you have a BONUS?  And, of course, it says that right there under the ! where you buy them, right?  Well, no, it doesn't.  Must be some place else, huh?  Sounds like a way to cheat people out of their money to me, how about you?
Not exactly Sir..What I am saying is that the base defense in itself is the bonus..that base defense is not active unless you have your defense on your base...even if its just a few sappers..that would be enough to at least to activate you base defense...Example...Gun/Turrents alone..with out any of your defense out on base gives nothing..put your defense out and the guns/turrents become an active defense bonus...Guns/Turrents is a "bonus..not a defense..and if you look at the item in the construction tab..where it list the bonus amount of the item you are about to purchase..hold your cursor over the bonus # it will clearly state the "defense bonus" of eack item
Feb 26, 2017, 02:4302/26/17

Robert, please go to the construction tab, click on defense, go to artillery and tell me what it says if you click on the "!".  Mine says "Your artillery will engage attacking forces like regular units and may sustain damage during battle."  Please note the, "ENGAGE ATTACKING FORCES LIKE REGULAR UNITS . . . ".

Now, I am not the brightest bulb in the chandelier but I can read and I think I understand what it says.

So CHANGE THE LANGUAGE if that isn't what you, in fact, mean AND GIVE US OUR DAMN MONEY BACK for not being honest with us.