Hi! You have just entered another server. Please, change the server in the Settings, so you could return to your main base.After 31 days reached Level 6 - Captain 56, 70 friends and this am finished 26th in Local Annihilation.
It seemed like I did not get the reward so I cleared Firefox cache and reloaded the page.
Busted down to Day 1 and my base is gone.
Any ideas?
I have looked at the top of the screen for the server button.
There is a screen shot in the knowledge base that shows it right next to the Field Manual. It's not there.
There is nothing of the sort under the Settings drop down menu either.
Perhaps you might provide specific direction as to where this server button is located.
I'm starting to feel that this is just an elaborate feature of the game to rob me of further rewards for logging in everyday.
Commander....Check the log-in info..This sounds to me as tho you used a different.. user name ...e-mail address..password..This will indeed start you over at day 1 with a new base..To get to your old account you will have to use the original/old log in infoAfter 31 days reached Level 6 - Captain 56, 70 friends and this am finished 26th in Local Annihilation.
It seemed like I did not get the reward so I cleared Firefox cache and reloaded the page.
Busted down to Day 1 and my base is gone.
Any ideas?
i still cant log in to my old base. I have tried everything and different combinations. still banging my head against the wallCommander...Contact Support..I am not 100% sure that they can/will be able to reset your password, but I do know that they have the technology at their level to access your game activity..Possibly they will be able to help you.If Support can they will