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can't  repair troops at sick bay...

can't repair troops at sick bay...

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Sep 25, 2016, 04:1909/25/16

can't repair troops at sick bay...

my dead troops don't end up in sick bay infirmary and hence they can be not be revieved for free...
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Sep 26, 2016, 12:5609/26/16
Where did they die?
Sep 26, 2016, 20:2309/26/16

they died on the battlefield...

the ambulance usually takes them home and puts them in the infirmary where 22% of them are supposed to  get revieved for free....

....when you check the infirmary they are not there...They are usually parked there until you hit the bottom menu bottom and they spring back to life for free and join the regular army and fight again...

....something is a nyet and a nyet again and i need a da...

...thank you...

Sep 27, 2016, 01:1909/27/16
joejoe1234 said:

my dead troops don't end up in sick bay infirmary and hence they can be not be revieved for free...
Commander..The sick bay only allows you to revive a certain % of troops that die Defending your base..This % is determined by the level of you sickbay..Foe example  if your SickBay is a level 10 then you would get to revive free 24% of the troops you lose while defending Your base..A level 11 would allow 26%..ETC..
Sep 27, 2016, 03:2909/27/16

my mistake....i thought sick bay revived any troops killed anywhere but  according to you they revive only the ones killed on your base....

.....i was aware that the % revived was based on the level of the sick bay...

....thank you...
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Sep 27, 2016, 12:3409/27/16
joejoe1234 said:

my mistake....i thought sick bay revived any troops killed anywhere but  according to you they revive only the ones killed on your base....

.....i was aware that the % revived was based on the level of the sick bay...

....thank you...
We're glad that it's sorted.