Daily priority mission: destroy 300k ZHG forces - score not updated after breaking down a Location
the system did not count the points I made, destroying the forces of the ZHG placed in a location of level 21.
the value of "destroyed ZHG forces" (equal to 296,7k), which I reached with the Location Lev.6 performed at midnight, remained unchanged even after having performed the Location lev.21 (at 00:02).
I refreshed the game several times, with no success in seeing the points credited.
if you want to verify this, you need to calculate the value of all the ZHG Locations that I have destroyed (60 + 1), over the last 24h (from 2:00 am yesterday, until 2:00 am which will take place soon).
because of this bug I lost the rewards for completing the daily priority missions (green key class IV and total protection 8h).