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Upgrading Tower, Walls and Turrets in Cobra to lvl 4 do not increase Base Defense

Upgrading Tower, Walls and Turrets in Cobra to lvl 4 do not increase Base Defense

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Sep 5, 2018, 09:3009/05/18

Upgrading Tower, Walls and Turrets in Cobra to lvl 4 do not increase Base Defense

Hi team, 

I play the Web based game Soldiers Inc on Highlands

I upgraded all defense infrastructures to level 4 on the cobra Base, but I don't see any increase of the Base Defense indicator.

As I upgraded all I can not redo this .

So I would like to know how I could potentially calculate the Based defense by myself.

I have all max Towers, Walls, and Turrets and a lot of other defense infrstructure, basiclly I am almost at max.

My coordinates are 1246; 1045

On top of that I still see in the Operations I need to build a Tower lvl 1from Cobra

But ALL towers are already build and at lvl 4

uid 1844540 / pp24685829 / Highlands / segment00

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Sep 6, 2018, 11:1709/06/18

Hello, Commander!

Defense bonus points are added after each Cobra defensive construction upgrade. I have just tested this feature and can confirm it works correctly. 

You could face a visual issue, please clear your browser's cache and the points will be displayed.

As for the quest. I have completed this quest for you. 
Sep 6, 2018, 15:4109/06/18

Thank you... The Build Tower issue is solved as well as the Base Defense calculation (this was my bad)

Did a bit of math and here is the conclusion

If ever you wonder how many defense you can build here it goes :

Regulare Base : Towers : 12, Walls, 152, Turret or Artillery :20

Cobra Base : Towers : 12, Walls 90, Turret or Artillery :20

If you build the; all and bring them to level 5 for regular or level 4 for Cobra this grants you 49.800 on Base Defense (without any other improvement or boosters

So when you pile up the base with improvements you could end up to a max of about 66.000 Base Defense currently with no accelerators or boosters in use.