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Cobra Ranger Defense referral 4

Cobra Ranger Defense referral 4

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May 25, 2018, 04:4305/25/18

Cobra Ranger Defense referral 4

Looking for #4 and went to the Logistics Exchange. Unfortunately we can't pick referral #4 in the exchange.

Please fix this a.s.a.p.

AndriiTechnical Support
May 25, 2018, 12:5905/25/18
May 25, 2018, 13:00(edited)

Hello, commander!

Nobody has extended such an offer so far. Try checking later. 
May 28, 2018, 14:2505/28/18

Agent Andrew said:

Hello, commander!

Nobody has extended such an offer so far. Try checking later. 

Where are your glasses Andrew? Have you actually tried to reproduce what was reported as a bug? The only way to set an offer is to use the Extend Offer button. Looking for any Cobra contract referral doesn't work. That's what I and many other reported. If you guys don't understand plain English it will be hard to solve any issue. 
Agent PavelTechnical Support
May 29, 2018, 13:5705/29/18

Maximus Decimus Meridius said:

Agent Andrew said:

Hello, commander!

Nobody has extended such an offer so far. Try checking later. 

Where are your glasses Andrew? Have you actually tried to reproduce what was reported as a bug? The only way to set an offer is to use the Extend Offer button. Looking for any Cobra contract referral doesn't work. That's what I and many other reported. If you guys don't understand plain English it will be hard to solve any issue. 

Commander, we apologize for the misunderstanding.

I have reported this issue to our developers for the further investigation. In case they confirm a bug, it will be handled within one of the upcoming sprints. Thank you for your cooperation!

May 29, 2018, 15:5905/29/18

Agent Pavel said:

Commander, we apologize for the misunderstanding.

I have reported this issue to our developers for the further investigation. In case they confirm a bug, it will be handled within one of the upcoming sprints. Thank you for your cooperation!

Much appreciated Pavel. Keep up the good work. 
May 30, 2018, 21:1605/30/18

This obviously wasn't tested very well, because it was way too easy to find.

You can set up trades in the Contracting Office or utilizing the "Extend Offer" button in the Exchange.

You can limit search results by utilizing the "Available " check box. This will limit all trades to only options you can fulfill. You can also limit trade searches to your Friends, Partners, Combine Members, etc. to help narrow search results.

You cannot "Look For" a specific referral you do not have. This is true for everyone, those with Cobra bases and those without. Those without Cobra bases can still select a contract and referral to "Offer", and select a Contract to "Look For", but cannot specify a referral they do not have.

For those with Cobra Bases, when you select a Cobra Contract to filter, it removes from view the non-cobra contracts from the list. If you look at the screen shot of the 2nd link above, you will see he has filtered on Ranger Defense, but the resulting filter shows Light Sniper. There is a mapping/indexing issue as the contracts listed get re-indexed, and map the contracts based on the WHOLE list of contracts. So Cobra contracts filter and resolve to contracts originally listed earlier in the drop down. This is true for both "Looking For" and "Offering" sides of the search filters.

As a work around, you may try eliminating the remaining non-cobra referrals to "fix" the "Offering" side of the Search filters, but this has not been verified. Unless you are a ref bank, you don't really need these refs any way.

I hope this helps your devs to determine the issue and get it fixed sooner.

Jun 7, 2018, 19:1706/07/18

I see in your recently released News that the "Looking For" filter has been fixed to properly show contracts we still require.

While there is a change, the issues is still not fixed. 

What was fixed is we can now select ALL referrals of a given contract.

The CONTRACT filters are still broken and filter to the wrong contract on BOTH the "Looking For" and "Offering" filters. If you have left over referrals from earlier contracts, the mapping gets skewed based on the number of contracts from the regular contracts you have left over.

We need the CONTRACT filters on both sides to be fixed before this becomes a fully functional feature.

AndriiTechnical Support
Jun 9, 2018, 13:5306/09/18

Hello commander! Thank you for the update. Our engineers are still working on this matter.

Have a great weeken!  
Jun 18, 2018, 04:2606/18/18

I can confirm that as a WORKAROUND, you can eliminate your leftover Regular Referrals, and the contract filter on the "OFFERING" side will filter to the correct contract, allowing a user to offer up a referral in his search.

This is NOT a FIX. The issue is still there, just hidden, since the cobra referrals now map correctly to the list of contracts the user has.

Jun 23, 2018, 14:4706/23/18
What is taking SO LONG to fix looking for a COBRA contract referral?