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Missing Diamonds, fuel and ammo again

Missing Diamonds, fuel and ammo again

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Apr 21, 2018, 19:4104/21/18

Missing Diamonds, fuel and ammo again

Plarium is trying again to blame the customer for something that the company has done. I had 50,000 diamonds and 1 million in fuel and ammo taken from me on Wednesday the 18 between 10 and 10:30 pm. One of your agents, Andrew tried to say that I bought thulium on the 19 after my diamonds went missing. How can I have bought anything when my diamonds were already missing. He claims that I bought 48,000 thulium and I did not. He also said that he was closing this because there was not bug and that he was blaming me. I did not do this, show me the proof of this if you want me to believe that this happened because  I know that it did not. Just like what you do to players SHOW ME THE PROOF before I believe anything that your company has to say. I know that this has happened to others over the past two years and again your company tries to always blame the customer. Return to me what was taken wrongfully by your company. I am not a little kid, I am a 52 year old man, and I DO NOT like being taken advantage of. I also work with computers and I know that my computer is up to date and my computer is not to blame like what one of your agents said. This is no fault of mine at all. Please return what was taken from me or show me proof of what your company said that I did. good luck with that because it did not happen.     If you need to read more look under missing diamonds fuel and ammo from this past Wednesday the 18 around 11 pm Florida time. This was when I first sent a request to your company about this.

Ed Perdue 
Agent PavelTechnical Support
Apr 22, 2018, 10:4004/22/18

Hello, Commander!

Please note that we have specified the exact reason why the Diamonds were withdrawn in your previous thread. The data has been checked in the server logs, which are not provided to the players.   

Also, any of our employees does not intervene in any player's game progress. Please check your Thulium balance and you will find that it has increased by 1097000 resources. 

Since this case is a part of the regular gameplay, the topic will be closed. Please do not create similar topics since they will be removed. 

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