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missing diamonds, fuel and ammo

missing diamonds, fuel and ammo

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Apr 19, 2018, 03:2504/19/18

missing diamonds, fuel and ammo

I am at 646 1110 under EdP. I made a trade using ratios to get ammo. when the convoy came back my computer froze and I had to reboot. When I did I lost over !,000,000 in rss with ammo and fuel. I also lost around 54000 diamonds.  I rebooted twice to see if this would correct itself and it did not. I am playing in the highlands on a laptop in the soldiers inc game. This happen between 10 and 11 pm EST April 18, 2018. I live in Florida.  I have been playing this for almost a year and spend about $30 a  month on this game. I would like this to be fixed and the return of all that was taken away. If you need to get in touch with me my email is [email protected].

Thank you,

Ed Perdue

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Apr 19, 2018, 10:0704/19/18

Hello, Commander!

There are no bugs related to Diamonds disappearance. 

Please describe in detail the actions you performed in the game before the Diamonds were lost. Here is an instruction how to report bugs.

Apr 19, 2018, 21:3204/19/18

I did what you have asked. I provided the information that you asked for. This did happen and it has happened to others that I know. This is a problem that is in the system and no fault of mine.   If this is not a bug then what is it, if it is teck. support then pass it to them. This happened around 10 and 11 pm last night. I live in Florida. Please review your records and your tapes. I am expecting this to be completely restored to the way that it was before your system took it away for no reason. I provided my location, the steps that I did before it was taken and the steps that I did after it happened. If you do not want to restore my account to what it was then I want a full refund of $300. This is what I have paid to play and grow. I do not want to hear that this did not happen, look at your recordings at 10 pm before this happened and at 11 pm after this happened. If you can not do this then find away to do it. I know that you keep records and can find out what happened to my missing diamonds, fuel and ammo. If you do not want to do this then find someone who will.

Ed Perdue     
AndriiTechnical Support
Apr 20, 2018, 15:2104/20/18

Hello, commander! Currently, there are no bugs which could cause vanishing of resources and diamonds. 

Regarding game freezing

There were not any maintenance or technical irregularities on 18.04.2018 - 19.04.2018. So, it could be only a local issue:  break-down in the internet connection or outdated web browser's cache. Here you can find an article with the troubleshot. 

When you refreshed the page, your web browser retrieved up-to-date data from the server you could see your actual balance of resources and diamonds. 


They can be only used for construction/upgrade or looted from your base by other players. Please check out battle reports and try remembering which upgrades you have made lately.   


There are two options what could happen to them. They could be debited from your account if some purchases were refunded - find more info in this article. Or they could be used for some purchase. Please check out battle reports and try remembering which purchases you have made lately.   

Apr 20, 2018, 21:3004/20/18

I am not the only person that has had this problem. I have spoken with 2 members that are in my group that has had the same problem. I did purchase some items but I had right at 1 million in fuel and ammo, I am maxi out at 1.5 million on both and had this amount left over after the purchase. I did not buy anything using diamonds that would equal 50,000 in use. I was saving them to get more equipment when they would have been on sale at a discount. Your system may not  have had a maintains update but it did take everything that I have said that it did. Again this is a business for you and others that work where you do, I know that there are records that are kept and used and I also know that this will take time to correct. Everything that you  said is true, but when I refreshed this it still did not correct the problem.. There was no break down in with the  connection where I play at. I was not looted   and I can not upgrade without any upgrades to do so with. I had to purchase upgrades last week or the week before just to upgrade my bunker, no other upgrades were do. AGAIN THIS IS YOUR COMPANIES PROBLEM AND I WANT WHAT I LOST BACK OR GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY THAT I PUT IN THIS GAME. I WILL BE LETTING EVERYONE  EVERYWHERE KNOW ABOUT THIS IF THIS IS NOT CORRECTED. IF YOU LOOK AT YOUR RECORDS YOU WILL SEE THAT THE ONLY THING THAT WAS BUILT WAS MY BUNKER. AS FAR AS MY BROWSER  THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH IT. IT RETRIVED WHAT YOUR SERVER SENT TO IT. AGAIN FIX THIS PROBLEM THAT CAME FROM YOUR COMPANY. THERE IS NO PROBLEM WITH MY COMPUTER AND EVERYTHING IS AND WAS UP TO DATE. DO NOT GIVE ME ARTICALS ABOUT TROUBLE SHOOTING  ANYTHING. THIS IS AND WILL BE A PROBLEM UNTIL YOUR COMPANY FIXES THIS PROBLEM.  I ALSO WORK WITH COMPUTERS AND THIS CAME FROM YOUR SYSTEM. AGAIN IF YOU CAN NOT FIX THIS THEN  FIND SOMEONE WHO CAN. I AM EXPECTING EVERYTHING BACK MONDAY OR TUESDAY.  

Ed P
Apr 21, 2018, 03:1004/21/18

I want all of my items that was taken from me. I have been reading about this problem that your company has had with this dating back to March of 2016. Not any has diamonds be missing but players fuel,ammo, and the equipment that they have also. I also have read that your support group has a way of looking at all of this. They need to look at Wednesday the 18 at 10:00 pm Eastern time and they will see that I had over 1 million in fuel and ammo, I did not have any ratios. It will also show that I had over 54000 in diamonds. At 10:15 to 10:20 your system took 1 million in ammo and fuel and took 50,000 diamonds from my account.  I rebooted twice to make sure that this really happened and it did. Now the common factor in all of this is that your company wants to blame the player. This is not how you do business. You come up with that the player was raided, sent by mistake, did not purchase a packet but received it and it was taken away. I to am getting this same crap from your company now. I have been playing for over a year and I do not make the mistakes that your company is trying to blame me for. This is a problem that your company has and refuse to do anything about it. Fix this problem and return all of my items back to me.  If one person can not do their job, then find one that will or get a supervisor to email me so that I can get this corrected.  

AndriiTechnical Support
Apr 21, 2018, 10:1004/21/18

Keep calm, commander. You purchased Thulium at 2:27 UTC on 19.04.2018. The cost of the purchase was 43 880 Diamonds. Please note that such purchase is irreversible.

There are no bugs in the game which could cause a purchase of in-game goods without player's order. Any purchase in the game requires the proper command of the account holder.

Since the issue has not been classified as a bug, the topic will be closed. 

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