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Labor Day Topic:  Diplomacy - How do you handle?Labor Day Topic:  Diplomacy - How do you handle?

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Labor Day Topic: Diplomacy - How do you handle?

Gregory HillModerator
Sep 4, 2017, 14:5109/04/17

Labor Day Topic: Diplomacy - How do you handle?

Good Morning from WittyGamer:

To those that celebrate, Happy Labor Day!  I've been attempting to reach out in social groups to find out topics you would like to talk about and today one topic that was brought to mind was diplomacy!   Well Witty, what do you mean.. We're talking about your diplos, diplomats and Marshalls, how do you handle attacks or inter-coalition or outer alliance diplomacy.  We all know that attacking each other every day all day would be old and therefore we create allies, and coalitions.. but how do you respond when attacked.

Some of the current trends I notice are that Caches are open game.. They are resource tiles and therefore most alliances take it as farm them if you dare...

However what does your alliance do in diplomacy?  Do you respond to every scout on a player's base, HQ or Black Site as a sign of war, or do you message their Marshall.  What about an attack, do you investigate who fired first or always just believe your new member that may forgot he fired first before joining?

This topic is a topic that may find very responses, however a good strategy of creating allies and foes is to at least set your expectations.. If it is known that a scout on your HQ will be considered an act of war.. other alliances may think twice about attacking, however they may also do it and try to trap you in to attacking them.  

Let's discuss diplomacy and how it works for your alliance..

Furthermore if I'm not able to get a message out to you, I am interested in finding out what topics you'd like to discuss and see on the fourms.  I can be reached by PM on the forums, I can be found on LINE at 'wittygamer' and on discord at 'Wittygamer#2625' ..  Please send me any suggestions you have for topics, or for the forums in general..  This is a medium for communication among our community and I'd like to hear from you.

Sep 4, 2017, 18:5609/04/17
Diplomacy is a huge part of this game. some times the pen is mightier then the sword. Diplomacy isn't just about threats either, it's about mutually respecting each other.
Gregory HillModerator
Sep 5, 2017, 12:2409/05/17
The pen can be mightier than the sword..  Any other Alliances like to jump in on this topic?
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