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New Event Idea

Aug 20, 2017, 01:0008/20/17

New Event Idea

Why dont you consider do like a Zombie Outbreak event, think about it, the test that Phoenix is doing on the people using the Serum goes wrong and they star wrecking havoc all around Selva de Fuego but somehow they managed to control the zombies to follow they orders, this would lead to new operation, new enemies , and maybe new unit (like an evolved zombie or a Hazmat Soldier that do extra damage to zombies) 
Aug 21, 2017, 10:3908/21/17
Hello, Commander! Unfortunately we don't plan to launch such changes. But if we decide so, I'll keep in mind your suggestion. 
Gregory HillModerator
Sep 4, 2017, 14:2909/04/17

Atlas Dynamics said:

Why dont you consider do like a Zombie Outbreak event, think about it, the test that Phoenix is doing on the people using the Serum goes wrong and they star wrecking havoc all around Selva de Fuego but somehow they managed to control the zombies to follow they orders, this would lead to new operation, new enemies , and maybe new unit (like an evolved zombie or a Hazmat Soldier that do extra damage to zombies) 

That be a lot of programming for a one time event, it would change the atmosphere of the whole server =P   I raise your hazmat soldiers and give you bio-hazard missiles!   

I like the creativity!   Thanks for your idea even though it is probably not in the timeline for this game, your creativity will help build the game.. Thanks.
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