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Weekend Topic:  Cache StrategyWeekend Topic:  Cache Strategy

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Weekend Topic: Cache Strategy

Gregory HillModerator
Aug 5, 2017, 01:2508/05/17

Weekend Topic: Cache Strategy


Many times the weekly or daily super quests have a quest to take out units or get resources from the caches on the map.  I find many commanders are not taking advantage of the caches.

Take time, if you may and discuss your strategy for attacking, capturing and defending the caches.
Aug 9, 2017, 17:5108/09/17

At low levels (25-55), caches are numerous, and readily available.  There is low risk to being attacked or wiped out by someone.  So much so, you usually don't need to send stalkers to prevent others from reconning you.

At medium level (56-65), free/available caches are fewer, and and as long you have decent troops and lots of stalkers to prevent someone from reconning, you can mine it fairly well.  You will get the occasional coiner blow you away, but they are rare.

At high level (66+), unless you're a coiner, it's not worth the risk to mine the caches.  The return on risk - resources versus loss of your troops - is pretty awful.  If you need resources, it's faster and safer just to pillage for resources at dead bases, or raiding other bases.  One good raid can retrieve 50K in resources.  And at least if you have to raid a base with troops, a good recon allows you to know exactly how much troop loss you face.

With a Level 10 Cache Operations tech, you can only mine 2000 resources per hour.  At level 66+, even if you stack your cache with troops, some coiner will just roll in with their multi million offense and toast you.  Even if you max out your skill, you can still only mine your cache at 4000/hour, or 12 hours to mine 48K in resources.  I can easily raid/pillage 500K-1M in resources in 4-8 hours, with minimal loss of troops.  And if you manage to take a cache at high level, it's usually against a high level alliance coiner, who will just toast you and take away any resources you may have managed to mine.

As for the Daily Super Quests, they're fine to play at low or medium level.  But again, the Risk vs. ROI is just not there when you're high level.


Level 1-55 - play those caches

Level 56-65 - play those caches carefully, but be prepared to lose occasionally

Level 65+ - don't bother. not worth the risk for lousy rewards.

Gregory HillModerator
Aug 10, 2017, 01:1008/10/17

Thank you for your reply..  do you have any suggestions to the system?

Aug 10, 2017, 10:5108/10/17

Hi there!

SIAHN , thank you for sharing your thoughts! And for good summery!  

Aug 10, 2017, 22:0908/10/17

wittygamer said:

Thank you for your reply..  do you have any suggestions to the system?


Obvious suggestion: provide more caches.  Although there are more players in the game, the number of available caches on the radar is the same.

Currently, if you lose a cache, not only do you lose troops, you lose the resources you've mined. Talk about kicking someone while they are down.  Allow a player to keep the resources they've mined up to the point they lose the cache.

Reduce the Daily Super Quest to just one quest: either "Recover 500 resources from cache" OR "Recover 150 diamonds from cache", not both at the same time.  Right now, every time these two quests come up, it's two quests that I guarantee 99.999% of all level 66+ players can never play.

As for the caches themselves, the recover rate is just not fast enough to make it meaningful, even if you use a cache boost.  At max tech level, and with a 50% boost, it still takes you 6 hours to mine just 48K of a single resource.  As I said, I can raid 1M in resources in that time.  So I would suggest increasing the base recovery rate by 50%-100% at least to start to make it worthwhile.

It would be more interesting if alliance members can reinforce your cache.  Only the initial cache owner's troops can collect the resources, but alliance members can contribute troops to help defend the cache.  But with this suggestion, I can see how a high level alliance full of coiners can just block everyone else from ever taking a cache.

Gregory HillModerator
Aug 11, 2017, 20:3608/11/17

I appreciate the end part of your point there where your taking in to account both sides... That's one of the largest concerns for our developers is to look at how any changes may change the game for everyone, coiners, new players and higher level players.  

I like some of your suggestions and although I believe they have some bigger matters they are addressing.. Hopefully we can implement some of the suggestions our players make!  

I do like how you state keep the resources you've mined so far.. that be an interesting twist to the cache operations.
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