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welcome to turtle warfare...welcome to turtle warfare...

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welcome to turtle warfare...

Jul 15, 2017, 06:2707/15/17

welcome to turtle warfare...

really feel the attack is meaningless to non-coiner....

nothing you can do effective or gain something worthy if you don't spend enough cash...zzzz

for now only coiner or multi-acc player can do attack...all others just turtle.

attack some active people?? sorry...look those defense annex.

just be laughed by your rival and feed him xp point when he empty base.

and finally we just look at each other and SPEAK trolling shit only.

what a bored game.....enjoy you guys.

it's really make me feel worse than their web game series.....pathetic.

Gregory HillModerator
Jul 15, 2017, 13:0607/15/17

cluelessrunner0002 said:

really feel the attack is meaningless to non-coiner....

nothing you can do effective or gain something worthy if you don't spend enough cash...zzzz

for now only coiner or multi-acc player can do attack...all others just turtle.

attack some active people?? sorry...look those defense annex.

just be laughed by your rival and feed him xp point when he empty base.

and finally we just look at each other and SPEAK trolling shit only.

what a bored game.....enjoy you guys.

it's really make me feel worse than their web game series.....pathetic.

Commander, from my own experience it is not as difficult to hit their defense annexes first.  Between me and my alliance we have coordinated attacks on the defense annexes first and then attack the main base.  

As if you defeat the defense annex, it does not give the bonuses of that building while it is being repaired or still in a defeated state.

Hopefully some other commanders will speak about their successes in attacking bases too for you =)
Jul 15, 2017, 16:0907/15/17
Jul 15, 2017, 16:12(edited)

wittygamer said:

Commander, from my own experience it is not as difficult to hit their defense annexes first.  Between me and my alliance we have coordinated attacks on the defense annexes first and then attack the main base.  

As if you defeat the defense annex, it does not give the bonuses of that building while it is being repaired or still in a defeated state.

Hopefully some other commanders will speak about their successes in attacking bases too for you =)'s nothing about "how to success hit base" ok???. i know how easy to be a MOD.....zzzz

of course i can break the defense annex with some casualty.

but what i got from this?? and what my rival got??

it's a joke in my thought when i try to compare cost and gain.

how you judge "win" or "lose" in this game's PVP??

that's the real problem to me.

can i say i win from the loot of raid?? sorry he empty base.

can i say i win from kill his unit?? sorry he empty base and kill my troop for free.

can i say i win from make his base burning on the map?? how about i just throw a cheap 40 diamond missile??

then i join the turtle after those thought.

meaningless and fucking bored.......

Gregory HillModerator
Jul 16, 2017, 00:1907/16/17
cluelessrunner0002 said:

wittygamer said:

Commander, from my own experience it is not as difficult to hit their defense annexes first.  Between me and my alliance we have coordinated attacks on the defense annexes first and then attack the main base.  

As if you defeat the defense annex, it does not give the bonuses of that building while it is being repaired or still in a defeated state.

Hopefully some other commanders will speak about their successes in attacking bases too for you =)'s nothing about "how to success hit base" ok???. i know how easy to be a MOD.....zzzz

of course i can break the defense annex with some casualty.

but what i got from this?? and what my rival got??

it's a joke in my thought when i try to compare cost and gain.

how you judge "win" or "lose" in this game's PVP??

that's the real problem to me.

can i say i win from the loot of raid?? sorry he empty base.

can i say i win from kill his unit?? sorry he empty base and kill my troop for free.

can i say i win from make his base burning on the map?? how about i just throw a cheap 40 diamond missile??

then i join the turtle after those thought.

meaningless and fucking bored.......

I was simply trying to give you a hand..    from my experiences.  I am a player just like you.. I can't attack some of the larger players, but have still found strategy to get my PvP and grow my units.  Maybe you can share some of your experiences?  I see you mention missiles.  I've yet to use one.  What do you think about the missiles?   I've found when they hit my base, the cheaper ones seem to not do as much damage as I imagined.
Jul 16, 2017, 05:4807/16/17

wittygamer said:

I was simply trying to give you a hand..    from my experiences.  I am a player just like you.. I can't attack some of the larger players, but have still found strategy to get my PvP and grow my units.  Maybe you can share some of your experiences?  I see you mention missiles.  I've yet to use one.  What do you think about the missiles?   I've found when they hit my base, the cheaper ones seem to not do as much damage as I imagined.

you don't need try to direct this thread to your way...zzzzz

and you think i talk about "attack larger player"??? lmfao

any player with defense annex can be a troll with turtle strategy.....ridiculous

just don't reply if you can't realize it.'s half-dead forum.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Jul 17, 2017, 13:2607/17/17
Jul 17, 2017, 13:28(edited)

Hello, Commander! I agree with comments from moderator, but to make sure we understand you correctly, could you please specify your issue? What exactly do you mean? Thanks in advance! 

Wish you gloriuos victories! 

Jul 17, 2017, 15:5907/17/17

Alina Bright said:

Hello, Commander! I agree with comments from moderator, but to make sure we understand you correctly, could you please specify your issue? What exactly do you mean? Thanks in advance! 

Wish you gloriuos victories! 

as i need reply anymore if you can't realize it.

even my english is awful or you don't know what i mean completely.....whatever.

we saw the problem and you are blind or try to pretend....enjoy it.
Jul 18, 2017, 09:4807/18/17
Jul 18, 2017, 09:49(edited)

cluelessrunner0002 said:

Alina Bright said:

Hello, Commander! I agree with comments from moderator, but to make sure we understand you correctly, could you please specify your issue? What exactly do you mean? Thanks in advance! 

Wish you gloriuos victories! 

as i need reply anymore if you can't realize it.

even my english is awful or you don't know what i mean completely.....whatever.

we saw the problem and you are blind or try to pretend....enjoy it.

Hello, Commander! I'm sorry that I understood your question in a different way. If you have some question or suggestion, please share them with us. We will appreciate your feedback. Players' feedback is too important for us to improve the game.

Have a great day! 

Jul 31, 2017, 15:4307/31/17

I'll post my point of view.

In any strategic game you are willing some goals: build up a base, train army, collect rss, war movements and tournament achievements.

We are not for being BIG BOSS, but for playing comfortable, interesting and have a nice atmosphere.

As for Soldiers Inc MW - there is a real gap in pvp tournaments between prize and price. Raider is always in losses, no matter how many tropps he send - prize in some shinyes and very-very few troops and rss won't outweight.

Yes, in some situation, it will worth it - spying points can't be collected other way. But it's too rare and too expencive.

Ok, let's look in other side - defender.

Yes, he can build up revive camps and use only game rss to resurect all his defenders. Good? Ofc, if you doesn't use it. Funny thing, but it's too expencive in rss. 

You can hide 100k troops and, for example, you have 700k power resurection (max is 1.8kk). I'm immortal, mu-ha-ha! You've been raided? Don't worry, you have rss resurection: now you'll need 1.5kk of each rss, resurect qeue 24 hours and full qeue in 1.5 week and after 1 week all your troops-for-rss became diamonds only.

Aug 2, 2017, 18:5008/02/17

Ve4nik said:

I'll post my point of view.

In any strategic game you are willing some goals: build up a base, train army, collect rss, war movements and tournament achievements.

We are not for being BIG BOSS, but for playing comfortable, interesting and have a nice atmosphere.

As for Soldiers Inc MW - there is a real gap in pvp tournaments between prize and price. Raider is always in losses, no matter how many tropps he send - prize in some shinyes and very-very few troops and rss won't outweight.

Yes, in some situation, it will worth it - spying points can't be collected other way. But it's too rare and too expencive.

Ok, let's look in other side - defender.

Yes, he can build up revive camps and use only game rss to resurect all his defenders. Good? Ofc, if you doesn't use it. Funny thing, but it's too expencive in rss. 

You can hide 100k troops and, for example, you have 700k power resurection (max is 1.8kk). I'm immortal, mu-ha-ha! You've been raided? Don't worry, you have rss resurection: now you'll need 1.5kk of each rss, resurect qeue 24 hours and full qeue in 1.5 week and after 1 week all your troops-for-rss became diamonds only.

let's speak again clearly...

i have no idea what's your POINT in this thread.....

the turtle i mean is the player just empty the base~~no defender and low res inside

and use defense annex as free base guard...

nothing i can do WORTHY in attack this type.

what's the value for me to upgrade my base and build army??

nothing i can do to beat a troll like this except waste horrible time and money.

and he just laughing at free pvp score.

how about just close this thread if you can't read my english??.....zzzz

your game really pissed both coiner and non-coiner....pathetic.

Aug 3, 2017, 10:0708/03/17

Well, you can get only expansion points in such situation and burn his base as much time as you like before deff annex is repairing.

And you can always mute this troll in our game.

The main question is - why do you NEED to raid such guys? Not need? Than don't spend your nerves, tie and rss on them.

Or in your point of view - almost all players in Soldiers Inc MW became such turtles and trolls?

Aug 3, 2017, 12:1908/03/17
Aug 3, 2017, 12:19(edited)

Ve4nik said:

Well, you can get only expansion points in such situation and burn his base as much time as you like before deff annex is repairing.

And you can always mute this troll in our game.

The main question is - why do you NEED to raid such guys? Not need? Than don't spend your nerves, tie and rss on them.

Or in your point of view - almost all players in Soldiers Inc MW became such turtles and trolls?

this is war game...all of us will get some personal reason to attack.

we are not always so SIMPLE to send raid for rss that it??

as you said...we build up a base, train army , collect rss

but i guess all of these can't make me beat the asshole who play as turtle.

and yes....i think most players will become turtles except coiner.

because defense annex cause serious casualty.

of course i can use the same strategy...just feel it's bored and failed....

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