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What can we answer for you?

Gregory HillModerator
Jul 7, 2017, 20:4207/07/17

What can we answer for you?


As the weekend approaches for many of us, we'll start to put our gaming hats on and play our favorite games!  With that in mind I'd like to see what questions we can answer for any of you about the game?

Feel free to post your question below and I'll try to answer it.
Jul 8, 2017, 13:2507/08/17
Jul 8, 2017, 13:26(edited)
 Why do many players have ??  for coordinates and can't be found on map?
Gregory HillModerator
Jul 8, 2017, 21:3807/08/17
Commander #1543554 said:

 Why do many players have ??  for coordinates and can't be found on map?
Thank you for your question.. This means that the player's base has been removed from the map due to inactivity!  Therefore their base cannot be displayed on the map for this reason.  
Jul 13, 2017, 17:3707/13/17

I posted a question several days ago as a new thread that remains unanswered:

  • What are the limits to sending resources to other alliance members. I know we can send 5 drones in one day to an alliance member. Are there other limits: by quantity in a day? # of drones in a week? # of drones and quantity of resources in a week? 

Jul 14, 2017, 10:2907/14/17

Siahn said:

I posted a question several days ago as a new thread that remains unanswered:

  • What are the limits to sending resources to other alliance members. I know we can send 5 drones in one day to an alliance member. Are there other limits: by quantity in a day? # of drones in a week? # of drones and quantity of resources in a week? 

Maximum of 20 resupply drones a day. 

Maximum 37.5k resources per base. 

Maximum 3 resupply drones per base per week. 

Gregory HillModerator
Jul 15, 2017, 13:0007/15/17
Sparhawk122 said:

Siahn said:

I posted a question several days ago as a new thread that remains unanswered:

  • What are the limits to sending resources to other alliance members. I know we can send 5 drones in one day to an alliance member. Are there other limits: by quantity in a day? # of drones in a week? # of drones and quantity of resources in a week? 

Maximum of 20 resupply drones a day. 

Maximum 37.5k resources per base. 

Maximum 3 resupply drones per base per week. 

@Sparhawk122  Thank you for experience and feedback in the forums.  I had not experienced the 3 resupply drones per base per week.  Is this based on your tech level, or the 37.5k resources per base you experienced?  My tech level may be lower, therefore on a daily basis I was able to send up to 5 drones per base per day.  
Jul 16, 2017, 08:3307/16/17

wittygamer said:

Sparhawk122 said:

Siahn said:

I posted a question several days ago as a new thread that remains unanswered:

  • What are the limits to sending resources to other alliance members. I know we can send 5 drones in one day to an alliance member. Are there other limits: by quantity in a day? # of drones in a week? # of drones and quantity of resources in a week? 

Maximum of 20 resupply drones a day. 

Maximum 37.5k resources per base. 

Maximum 3 resupply drones per base per week. 

@Sparhawk122  Thank you for experience and feedback in the forums.  I had not experienced the 3 resupply drones per base per week.  Is this based on your tech level, or the 37.5k resources per base you experienced?  My tech level may be lower, therefore on a daily basis I was able to send up to 5 drones per base per day.  

My tech is maxed in that aspect. 

It used to be maximum 3 resupply drones per base. They must have changed it when they increased the resource limit per resupply plane. 

Gregory HillModerator
Jul 17, 2017, 11:5307/17/17
I am going to play around, however my tech is definitely not maxed ..  LOL
Jul 21, 2017, 12:1207/21/17
How in the hell can you tell what tier your gear is ????  Im sure ive sold better equipment just because what i have now is legendary but lower tier.  Each gear piece should have its tier listed.  
Gregory HillModerator
Jul 22, 2017, 10:2807/22/17

I've noticed when you select the gear as the tier goes up it affects multiple classes of units.  Ie Tier 1 affects Light infantry only.. Tier 2 Light infantry and mech.

By selecting the piece of equipment you'll notice it boosts multiple types of unit and that's how you know it's higher tier level..

Jul 23, 2017, 01:4207/23/17
Jul 25, 2017, 17:15(edited)

Plarium support sucks cock nothinf but automated shit. You money hungry ****s arnt listening to the people that pay your salaries. The longer you ignore the game issues all your coiners will disappear. Your ruining your reputation by the lack of care and respect of your customers. You constantly feed everyone bullshit and beat around the bush. You have an alt problem and an ops issue that needs to be fixed but yet you let the russians dominate this game. Iv spent over 10grand on this gane and it makes me sick on the lack of give ashit goes on in your support system. Your only xxx yourselfs. Keep doing what your doing you will be bank rupt in no time. Fix your shit or pay the price.

Jul 23, 2017, 12:5507/23/17

BossHog5 said:

Plarium support sucks cock nothinf but automated shit. You money hungry ****s arnt listening to the people that pay your salaries. The longer you ignore the game issues all your coiners will disappear. Your ruining your reputation by the lack of care and respect of your customers. You constantly feed everyone bullshit and beat around the bush. You have an alt problem and an ops issue that needs to be fixed but yet you let the russians dominate this game. Iv spent over 10grand on this gane and it makes me sick on the lack of give ashit goes on in your support system. Your only fucking yourselfs. Keep doing what your doing you will be bank rupt in no time. Fix your shit or pay the price.

They do not care. And their support is near nonexistant. 

Me and my money will be playing Battle Mobile. 

Jul 24, 2017, 14:5807/24/17
Jul 25, 2017, 16:55(edited)

BossHog5 said:

Plarium support sucks cock nothinf but automated shit. You money hungry ****s arnt listening to the people that pay your salaries. The longer you ignore the game issues all your coiners will disappear. Your ruining your reputation by the lack of care and respect of your customers. You constantly feed everyone bullshit and beat around the bush. You have an alt problem and an ops issue that needs to be fixed but yet you let the russians dominate this game. Iv spent over 10grand on this gane and it makes me sick on the lack of give ashit goes on in your support system. Your only fucking yourselfs. Keep doing what your doing you will be bank rupt in no time. Fix your shit or pay the price.

Hello, Commander! First of all, I have to ask you to continue this conversation without offensive language, otherwise I'll need to delete your comments. Second of all, our team is aware about this situation and we're working on it. We're going to launch some changes in the game balance in the near future. Please follow the news. 

Jul 26, 2017, 12:2407/26/17

When you are expelled from an alliance and you relocate why are tout coords visible ? This is totally stupid and mâles thé relocation useless

Jul 27, 2017, 02:0707/27/17
What's the highest ops goes up too? I have been at 105 for 2 weeks with no new ones popping up.
Jul 27, 2017, 15:1607/27/17
Capt_Blake said:

When you are expelled from an alliance and you relocate why are tout coords visible ? This is totally stupid and mâles thé relocation useless

If player added to the Contact list, he\she will be able to see your new coordinates. 
Jul 27, 2017, 15:2507/27/17

MCD 2 said:

What's the highest ops goes up too? I have been at 105 for 2 weeks with no new ones popping up.

Hello! The max levels is 100. 

If you want to get higher level, you need to complete quest ops. 
Jul 28, 2017, 01:4207/28/17
What are quest ops?
Gregory HillModerator
Jul 29, 2017, 10:4907/29/17
I'd love to help Patriot however i haven't hit level 100 Special Ops.  =/  Sorry..
Aug 2, 2017, 00:4308/02/17

Why there is limit to send resources to fellow players...hope we fix this...

Aug 2, 2017, 01:5108/02/17
How can I find  my line name
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