BossHog5 said:
Plarium support sucks cock nothinf but automated shit. You money hungry ****s arnt listening to the people that pay your salaries. The longer you ignore the game issues all your coiners will disappear. Your ruining your reputation by the lack of care and respect of your customers. You constantly feed everyone bullshit and beat around the bush. You have an alt problem and an ops issue that needs to be fixed but yet you let the russians dominate this game. Iv spent over 10grand on this gane and it makes me sick on the lack of give ashit goes on in your support system. Your only fucking yourselfs. Keep doing what your doing you will be bank rupt in no time. Fix your shit or pay the price.
Hello, Commander! First of all, I have to ask you to continue this conversation without offensive language, otherwise I'll need to delete your comments. Second of all, our team is aware about this situation and we're working on it. We're going to launch some changes in the game balance in the near future. Please follow the news.