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Jul 7, 2017, 13:4807/07/17


How ist this possible ? 

Jul 7, 2017, 13:4907/07/17
Jul 7, 2017, 13:5007/07/17

Jul 7, 2017, 14:1007/07/17
For me that's a cheater , he has 4600 baracudas ! Check his account please 
Gregory HillModerator
Jul 7, 2017, 20:3707/07/17

Hallo Plarium said:

For me that's a cheater , he has 4600 baracudas ! Check his account please 

This section is to report bugs as in errors you've found within the game.  Players can and have in the past purchased packs on a daily basis if not the max allowed.  Based on the number of units I see in that report it appears you are looking at a player that purchases a lot of packs, based on the number of Glaives and other strategic units I see in his unit.

Although this presents a challenge to those that player's he challenge.  Strategy can get around even the strongest players.  If you still feel a player is cheating or you see an account violating terms and conditions, please share this with our support team though however because at the forum level we can not look in to accounts.

Jul 9, 2017, 04:3707/09/17
No this guy isn't cheating....... Even though he'll tell you himself that he found a glitch in the game. And has spent very little to no money on packs. If Plarium would do there job and simply read the regional chat they would also now this. 
Jul 9, 2017, 05:2907/09/17
Jul 9, 2017, 05:4107/09/17

Big Ben (Apocolapse) has gained an estimated 500 Million army due to what he calls a glitch in the game.  Here is another example of him openly admitting it. So while he is out clearing the bases of players that have spent there hard earned money. Plarium does nothing!!! 
Jul 10, 2017, 13:0107/10/17

Hi there! Please report such issues to our Help Center. Our guys will investigate this situation carefully. In this case, unfortunately, I'm unable to check this player.

Jul 10, 2017, 17:4107/10/17
Alina Bright said:

Hi there! Please report such issues to our Help Center. Our guys will investigate this situation carefully. In this case, unfortunately, I'm unable to check this player.

Oh we have and either they don't respond.  Or give us the basic response that there investigating.  While my alliance is destroyed one base at a time do to a glitch.  So we come to there forums and get directed back to them.  So just a big circle, while us honest paying players loose out.  Your a forum moderator don't you someone at Plarium you can reach out to??
Jul 10, 2017, 18:5007/10/17
On top of this  apocalypse (Big Ben) guy finding a glitch in the game to take top alliances down. A player named Flash (Alexander Bright) has created many alliances of alt bases. With each of these alt bases containing 10-30 million of power all with light infantry. They upgraded only light inf tech. And then when ready send hundreads of attacks at there targets. They build these alt bases for free. And many of them have the same name with a 1,2,3,4 etc after. And Plarium has done absolutely nothing about this either. And in most cases don't even respond to our support tickets. So it's obvious that Plarium and  it's developers have not corrected these issues as they believe it will generate more income from sales of there in game packs. 
Gregory HillModerator
Jul 10, 2017, 21:4807/10/17

triplineband2 said:

On top of this  apocalypse (Big Ben) guy finding a glitch in the game to take top alliances down. A player named Flash (Alexander Bright) has created many alliances of alt bases. With each of these alt bases containing 10-30 million of power all with light infantry. They upgraded only light inf tech. And then when ready send hundreads of attacks at there targets. They build these alt bases for free. And many of them have the same name with a 1,2,3,4 etc after. And Plarium has done absolutely nothing about this either. And in most cases don't even respond to our support tickets. So it's obvious that Plarium and  it's developers have not corrected these issues as they believe it will generate more income from sales of there in game packs. 

As a fellow player, I am in the same boat!  I feel the frustration, however there is not something we can do at the forum level.  This has to be handled by the support staff.  They conduct the investigations and have access to accounts and history.  We simply do not have that on the forum level.

Jul 10, 2017, 23:1607/10/17
Hello sir.  But you guys as forum moderators must have contact with Plarium that the average player does not.  We have sent hundreads of tickets in regard to this with no true  acknowledgment  by Plarium.  I guess it's either they do not care. Or like the evidence points to, are in on it. I highly doubt that it is just a  coincidence that many of the  Ukrainian Plarium game developers are linked to the strongest player in the game (flash) on social networking sites. It's just the point that myself and many other honest players have played this game the way it was originally intended to be played. And the hundreads of thousands of dollars lost due to violations to Plariums own rules. And that these game  developers either cannot seem to figure how to resolve this.  Or really do not care to solve it.  So many will continue to place negative reviews on the app and google play stores.  
Jul 11, 2017, 11:4807/11/17

Hi there! Thank you for the information, Commanders.

As you know we launched some features which help to limit unfair advantage of those players who create alternative account and then attack others.

Also, we have checked these players and found they got troops via regular gameplay. They did not use any cheats or bugs.

However, we'll consider adding some changes in the in-game balance in the future. You can be sure that we don't ignore your feedback.

I will keep you informed.

Have a good day!

Jul 11, 2017, 12:4007/11/17
So Ms Alina Bright your admitting that you yourself does have access to players accounts.  Don't you find it wierd that one of these players mentioned above has admitted and will probably tell you himself that he found a glitch in the game? But let me guess you'll turn your head to that as even that player agrees that Plarium cannot admit to that.  As how would Plarium refund all the inngame losses by this so called glitch.  And what safeguards have Plarium put in place to stop alt bases?  Idk but our alliance was attacked by Mr Alexander Brights (Flash) alt army over the last few nights. Causing us to loose thousands and thousands of dollars.  50 attacks from bases with similar names each sending 29,000 marines for 3 days straight cause they have upgrades little to no tech. And each base having similar names with different endings.  So Plarium has done nothing about these violations. And it appears that game developers, community managers, and other Plarium employees continue to work with players of the game.  Has Plarium noticed the growing one star ratings on the App Store and google play stores?? All mentioning similar cheating as I have. 
Jul 11, 2017, 12:4407/11/17

I am tired. Of trying to keep my members from quitting the game. 

It does not help that Flash (Alexander Bright) is connected with Plarium employees and just so happens to be number 1 in the game and have limitless troops/diamonds/packs. And has been attacking the biggest western spending alliances the most, which also just so happens to generate more income. Very convenient and very obvious.

If you go into a casino and cheat it is a crime. How is it not treated the same here where real money is involved I ask you? 

I work hard for my money which I have spent on the game a vast amount of my income just to have my efforts go to waste from armies built from multi accounts which cost nothing. And heavy players, mainly Flash and Big Ben/Apocolapse/ImJuggernaut have unlimited units and are easily levelling the whole server. 

After some time it has come to my attention legal action may be required. I am talking to a lawyer and seeing where my options take me. With screenshots from the past 6 months. As well as possibly contacting my bank and Google to file supplementary complaints. 

This game has potential. But it is unregulated. You do not even have admins in the ingame public chats. 


Jul 11, 2017, 12:4707/11/17

just want to say his is a great game but serious do you guys not give a dame about the people cheating and they admited it, we loose thousand of dollars, and all we get back after months its under investgation, you guys are starting to get a bad name, and allot of players are angry, such a shame you guys could have gone far. and the best part the guys that admit to cheating are laughing at you guys, but maby you in league with them

Jul 11, 2017, 15:3207/11/17
Jul 11, 2017, 15:35(edited)

Hi there! 

Guys, could someone send me the coordinates of this player (Alexander Bright) in PM? I will appreciate it. I want to check this case by myself. Thank you!

Follow the news, I will keep you informed. 
Jul 12, 2017, 02:2907/12/17

Alina Bright said:

Hi there! 

Guys, could someone send me the coordinates of this player (Alexander Bright) in PM? I will appreciate it. I want to check this case by myself. Thank you!

Follow the news, I will keep you informed. 

That not a conflict of interest?

Jul 12, 2017, 08:0007/12/17
Jul 12, 2017, 09:00(edited)

Sparhawk122 said:

Alina Bright said:

Hi there! 

Guys, could someone send me the coordinates of this player (Alexander Bright) in PM? I will appreciate it. I want to check this case by myself. Thank you!

Follow the news, I will keep you informed. 

That not a conflict of interest?

Hello, Commander! What exactly do you mean? You want this case to be investigated and I need some details. I tried to find previous accounts which were reported by players in this topic, but, unfortunately, I didn't find them in the game (maybe players changed the coordinates).

I will appreciate your help. Thank you and have a great day!  

Jul 12, 2017, 08:1607/12/17

Alina Bright said:

Sparhawk122 said:

Alina Bright said:

Hi there! 

Guys, could someone send me the coordinates of this player (Alexander Bright) in PM? I will appreciate it. I want to check this case by myself. Thank you!

Follow the news, I will keep you informed. 

That not a conflict of interest?

Hello, Commander! What exactly do you mean? You want this case will be investigated and I need some details. I tried to find previous accounts which were reported by players in this topic, but, unfortunately, I didn't find them in the game (maybe players changed the coordinates).

I will appreciate your help. Thank you and have a great day!  

By the time a ticket will get reviewed. The coords given of that player will be outdated. Definitely for a player like Flash of E&D alliance who ports a couple times every 24 hours. 

I have reported that player more then a couple times by the way. Mobile Warfare players are asking themselves if it is even worth submiting violations tickets when even a self admitted obvious game abuser was given free reign. 

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