Game catered towards Russian players
As per the title. It has come to my attention that this entire game is tilted in the Russian's favour. With alt accounts and spec ops being especially balanced for them with no fear of regulation. And nothing is done about these cheating ways. Because having 20 alt accounts per a Russian player is cheating in an online game where everyone should only have one account.
Then there is the spec ops. Where if you only unlock light and mech infrantry tech your spec ops rewards are significantly better and overpowered. But for those of us who have unlocked armour and aircraft our payouts are extremely nerfed and less rewarding most of the time. Spec ops obviously been designed to go hand in hand with Russian multi accounts.
It is of my opinion and many others that Plarium is favouring the Russians. So as they can steamroll us foreigners and then in turn we have to spend money (=profit for Plarium) to recover and even survive.
Like Flash espm wiping HQs, Black Sites. This even after adding +%200 bonus tech to his losses still taking only 1/3 of the losses.
I even saw a Russian HQ with over 2 million grenadiers and half a million of marines. After their HQ got downgraded that is what they put back in. This is without them spending.
Are Plarium purposefully favouring the Russians so as we have to spend more money to recover losses? And would that not be company Malpractice and or fraud?