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Why some players can't send reinforcements tho bs and hq? Why some players can't send reinforcements tho bs and hq?

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Why some players can't send reinforcements tho bs and hq?

Jun 4, 2017, 23:0806/04/17

Why some players can't send reinforcements tho bs and hq?

.  Some of our players have a problem that they send reinforcements to hq or bs and they come back to his base... I talked with other marshals.. And they have players with the same problem. I will like that plarium solve this quickly

Jun 5, 2017, 07:3306/05/17

Are those members still on probation?

Does probation now cover sending of reinforcements to Black Sites?

Does it maybe have something to do with the new very limited squad limits?

Jun 7, 2017, 02:4906/07/17
I never come on this forum thing but does anything ever get answered around here or s it just like banging your head against a wall
Jun 7, 2017, 02:5206/07/17

The majority of the time just like banging your head against the wall. 

As much help as Plarium support.......

Jun 7, 2017, 09:0206/07/17
Hello, Commander! Yes, we have an issue when player on probation tries to send Reinforcements to the Black Site, Units come back. We're working on a fix, sorry for this inconvenience. 
Gregory HillModerator
Jun 7, 2017, 14:0306/07/17

stompys army said:

I never come on this forum thing but does anything ever get answered around here or s it just like banging your head against a wall

To answer fully this question the Forum is a place to try to join commanders together to discuss the game.  All support related matters (ie. lost troops) should be reported to the Support Team.  The Forum staff are here to moderate the forums, to try to build the community and allows commanders to talk about things.

With that said, all games are going to develop bugs or unintentionally have a feature do something unexpected to another feature.  We can discuss that on the forums and try to see if it is only affecting one player or everyone.  We try to help as much as we can as Moderators, however the goal is the build a community of commanders to discuss the game.   

Jun 9, 2017, 10:0106/09/17
Commanders, we've fixed this issue!
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