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answering tickets

May 25, 2017, 18:3205/25/17

answering tickets

Why is there an issue looking at tickets to resolve issues with the game? I have tried to make comments on this po why is there an issue looking at tickets to resolve issues with the game? I have tried to make comments on this for him but there's been issues with  for him but there's been issues 
Gregory HillModerator
May 25, 2017, 21:0705/25/17


As the forum moderators and such we are happy to try to answer any questions we can, and try to direct you in the right direction.  Looking at your forum topic here though, you haven't given us any information about what problem your experiencing in game?

If you've submitted a ticket, can you provide us with some more information such as when it was put in, and to what department, etc.  That way we can attempt to have one of the CM's look in to it..  Also please let us know what your experiencing in game, so that maybe it is something we can help you with.
May 26, 2017, 03:2205/26/17
May 26, 2017, 05:44(edited)
I was attacked several days ago and have revived the units but it is still saying all my units are damaged. 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 26, 2017, 08:1505/26/17
BYD said:

I was attacked several days ago and have revived the units but it is still saying all my units are damaged. 
Are you sure you revived all Units from the Hospital? Please be aware that revive takes some time and you cannot revive all Units at once unless you're using Diamonds to do this.
May 31, 2017, 07:2605/31/17

Every ticket they answer is answered with a copy and paste response and that the request has been closed. 

They do not care about game balance. Only their bank accounts. And having their Russian administrator make sure the Russian players remain unregulated in spamming multi accounts so as people have to spend more money to stay alive in game and not get zeroed by these alt accounts that are everywhere. 

May 31, 2017, 11:5705/31/17

Sparhawk122 said:

Every ticket they answer is answered with a copy and paste response and that the request has been closed. 

They do not care about game balance. Only their bank accounts. And having their Russian administrator make sure the Russian players remain unregulated in spamming multi accounts so as people have to spend more money to stay alive in game and not get zeroed by these alt accounts that are everywhere. 

Commander, Plarium Administration don't help players to get any privileges in unfair way, your accusations are unfounded. Our company is headquartered in Herzliya, Israel with offices in different countries and we treat equally all players. 

We're working on different features and options (limits etc) in order to make the game balanced and prevent cases when creating multiple accounts would benefit significantly. 

May 31, 2017, 23:1405/31/17

I need to know how you calculate the amount of defense you have at your base with percentage shows on defense core building. Im not counting troops just defense base by itself . Thanks.

Jun 1, 2017, 09:0506/01/17
Jun 1, 2017, 09:05(edited)
osvaldoglez03 said:

I need to know how you calculate the amount of defense you have at your base with percentage shows on defense core building. Im not counting troops just defense base by itself . Thanks.

Hello! You have this information in Defence Core building.  
Jun 1, 2017, 09:0606/01/17

osvaldoglez03 said:

I need to know how you calculate the amount of defense you have at your base with percentage shows on defense core building. Im not counting troops just defense base by itself . Thanks.

Pointless. Base bonus defense does nothing against missiles. 

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