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how to keep your troops to keep your troops survive...

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how to keep your troops survive...

May 22, 2017, 12:5005/22/17

how to keep your troops survive... I got a SERIOUS questions to talk about in this game...

how to keep our troops survive from those heavy coiners hit??

DO NOT tell me "join the alliance and cry help"....thanks

and i saw many small clan wipe out by JUST 1 heavy coiner.

the bunker capacity is pathetic...and every one can see our unit move on the map.

almost no way to hide if someone keep watching you.

will you think keep build alt for the 3 days protection is legal???

i don't like it but looks like almost no choice for safety.....

Gregory HillModerator
May 22, 2017, 15:3305/22/17

Maybe some other commanders can give you some ideas, as well, on how they keep their units alive.  This is a strategy game and their are quite a few different ways to defend against losing troops.

Protection is able to be purchased in-game store, and is a rewards in certain alliance or solo missions.  If that's a route you'd like to take, however myself I try to live outside the bubble.

If you see the incoming attack, which is normally what I try to do.  I will move troops to an alliance member's base near by.  Also I try to keep my troops busy so they can not attack them.  As an alliance, maybe you could share who has protection up and you can shield your units under their protection.

There are a lot of ways to protect troops, however it is a strategy game, so i'd befriend some commanders that are willing to give up their tricks and tips.

May 25, 2017, 12:1705/25/17

I agree with wittygamer, even if you are not in an alliance keeping your troops busy is a good defensive way to protect your troops.

With an alliance the option to send troops to HQ or other members is there but if you don't have that option  making friends as a sort of informal alliance. Sending troops to caches has its dangers.

I've seen some that relocate or send troops away just before an attack, any other options would be nice to hear.
May 26, 2017, 04:2005/26/17

Lurker said:

I agree with wittygamer, even if you are not in an alliance keeping your troops busy is a good defensive way to protect your troops.

With an alliance the option to send troops to HQ or other members is there but if you don't have that option  making friends as a sort of informal alliance. Sending troops to caches has its dangers.

I've seen some that relocate or send troops away just before an attack, any other options would be nice to hear.

seriously....alliance HQ is obviously target to those big sharks who keep hunt pvp point.

nvr thought that's a good idea to me...

i know keep the troops on the move is safe.

but it's not convenient to recall when you need them.

May 26, 2017, 08:3905/26/17

and guess what??

now we can't use reinforcement to non-alliance member base....

yes they try to kill alt....but also kill casual players....zzzzzzz

Gregory HillModerator
May 27, 2017, 23:2005/27/17


I have had an alliance HQ for quite a bit and it has not become the target of big sharks as you state per se.  Each of us have different experiences in this game.. I'd be interested to hear what your experiences have been.

It might be location, are you near a large alliance and they are attacking you because your so close?  I want to help you, however it seems every option commanders are giving you, you don't like.  
May 28, 2017, 03:4105/28/17
May 28, 2017, 03:42(edited)

wittygamer said:


I have had an alliance HQ for quite a bit and it has not become the target of big sharks as you state per se.  Each of us have different experiences in this game.. I'd be interested to hear what your experiences have been.

It might be location, are you near a large alliance and they are attacking you because your so close?  I want to help you, however it seems every option commanders are giving you, you don't like.  

you are LUCKY or you have a strong clan i think..

if you don't have experiences like this.

in the case i saw ....a casual non-coiner clan.

as everyone did...settle together with their HQ on the map.

then 1 heavy coiner relocate to their coord.

raid everyone and HQ...wiped out every thing he can kill.

hide in HQ??...sorry it's a joke to me.

and this happened every day i think....

May 30, 2017, 11:2705/30/17

cluelessrunner0002 said:

wittygamer said:


I have had an alliance HQ for quite a bit and it has not become the target of big sharks as you state per se.  Each of us have different experiences in this game.. I'd be interested to hear what your experiences have been.

It might be location, are you near a large alliance and they are attacking you because your so close?  I want to help you, however it seems every option commanders are giving you, you don't like.  

you are LUCKY or you have a strong clan i think..

if you don't have experiences like this.

in the case i saw ....a casual non-coiner clan.

as everyone did...settle together with their HQ on the map.

then 1 heavy coiner relocate to their coord.

raid everyone and HQ...wiped out every thing he can kill.

hide in HQ??...sorry it's a joke to me.

and this happened every day i think....

Friend. OCP HQ got raided by Russian player Flash espm. Our HQ losses 78 million defence. His losses 18.4 million offence.

And we are far from casual. So I can not imagine those who spend less. Fair players who do not spam multi bases or cheat have no chance in this game. 

They should call this game Mobile Alt Base Warfare. 

And now with the implementation of missiles. Non and small coiners have zero chance now. Even semi big coiners are going to have a hard time. Bonus base defence does not work against missiles. All those diamonds you spent on base defense. Wasted. Futuristic themed game with no defenses against missiles.......

Gregory HillModerator
May 30, 2017, 14:2905/30/17

I believe in the announcement thread there was a good idea going around about possibly making an annex building that helped try to defeat the missile strikes.

One thing I think we all need to keep in mind, is that developers have lots of ideas as do we.  Some of these ideas haven't been released to us as players, but may be as old as the game.  The developers may have had the missile idea from the conception of the game idea.  It's their vision that we are trying to mold.

So let's impress them with some good ideas..  Let's surprise them with our vision, and possibly have the chance to mold our game experience.  However at the end of the day, it's their vision, and their game.. so if they do not take our idea.. we have to learn to use strategy to get around it.

May 31, 2017, 11:5705/31/17

Sparhawk122 said:

Friend. OCP HQ got raided by Russian player Flash espm. Our HQ losses 78 million defence. His losses 18.4 million offence.

And we are far from casual. So I can not imagine those who spend less. Fair players who do not spam multi bases or cheat have no chance in this game. 

They should call this game Mobile Alt Base Warfare. 

And now with the implementation of missiles. Non and small coiners have zero chance now. Even semi big coiners are going to have a hard time. Bonus base defence does not work against missiles. All those diamonds you spent on base defense. Wasted. Futuristic themed game with no defenses against missiles.......

it's a sad story and i'm agree the non-coiner very hard to survive for now.

but i don't understand why you can make sure the Flash still use alt cheat?

i heard those top players have horrible insane troops (over 90 million)..

at least your black site not hit by those alt swarm this time....that's what the plarium thought..

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