SPARHAWK Thanks for helping him before we could
Commander Fishy1962,
SPARHAWK is correct, as you'll need to submit a support ticket to the support team ( You'll also need to do a vote upon members that are still active, whether in chat in-game, on LINE or some other messaging applications that show a vote on who should be a new Marshall.
Once you have your vote and screenshots.. open the ticket and at the bottom it will have attachments before you submit. It may take a few days for the support team to get to your support ticket, however, so please be patient.
cluelessrunner0002 said:
Sparhawk122 said:
cluelessrunner0002 said:
which one should i choose in the category of support ticket??
Gameplay/Feedback both no option to open the ticket.
as i said~~no option to open ticket in gameplay
it just tell me check the forum....
I would choose report a bug to have it go in as a ticket.
Eugenia Misura said:
cluelessrunner0002 said:
We hope you'll choose a wise new leader :)Ve4nik said:
i will try it~~thanks"Bug report" will have as a result only notification.
It's better to choose "in-game Losses".
one more question....
if i ask other members to vote and no one reply.
is that mean they give up the right??
that's my situation...Commander
Changing the alliance Marshall is a big thing for support team to do, as you got to imagine .. the Marshall spend diamonds (money) to create and expand if he had.
Just try to explain the circumstances to the support team the best you can. If it's only been a day, you may have to wait and try again the next day or so to get the others to vote. Also try a direct message to the player..
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