He is probably refering to how each Russian player has 10-30 bases each......
And then one player can send attacks from each of these bases of even 2mil each potentially being a cumulative value of 60mil or more from one player because he has so many multi accounts. That is excluding if they use the spec ops exploit to mass over 100k of grenadiers and marines each base. Then you have 30 or so bases with 6 mil or more per base from one Russian player. Cumulative value of 180mil give or take.
This is how the Russian clan level 5 or so HQs every week and now pilfer all the Black Sites.
When I first started this game some 5 months ago this issue was not so prevalent. And no Russian players had 300k plus marines and 100k plus grenadiers each multi account.
Then 2 months ago they suddenly started getting these vast armies that insanely unbalance the game.
Yesterday I had 2 members quit.
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