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Defense CorporationDefense Corporation

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Defense Corporation

May 8, 2017, 00:4105/08/17

Defense Corporation

Hey, i have an idea. I like roleplay and im trying to make a Defense Corporation where i give reinforcements in exchange for resources but i can't find any option that let send resources like the original Soldiers.Inc. If You (Plarium, duh) put that option it will be great. I know that you can share resources in alliance menu but i dont wanna join any alliance, just do somo roleplay and have fun. Atlas Defense Corporation out.

Gregory HillModerator
May 8, 2017, 08:5105/08/17

If I understand your suggestion, your suggestion is that you may be able to reinforce any location, as well as send resources.. to any location?  I think it been brought up before..

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