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No second additional building slot for base expansion in package with cost.No second additional building slot for base expansion in package with cost.

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No second additional building slot for base expansion in package with cost.

May 3, 2017, 17:2805/03/17

No second additional building slot for base expansion in package with cost.

A few days ago I bought a package with an additional external Building ground for my base. It worked, I have 5 expansion buildings.

Yesterday there was a new offer: 54 euro for a package with troops and items. On the top that offer there was shown a digger and some symbols for the building-grounds. Text: get additional "anbauslot" (I use German version).

But I cannot build a new building, I still have only 5 slots. ( one additional from first package)

That is a bug or cheating of customers by Plarium!

Gregory HillModerator
May 3, 2017, 22:3105/03/17

Cavedog said:

A few days ago I bought a package with an additional external Building ground for my base. It worked, I have 5 expansion buildings.

Yesterday there was a new offer: 54 euro for a package with troops and items. On the top that offer there was shown a digger and some symbols for the building-grounds. Text: get additional "anbauslot" (I use German version).

But I cannot build a new building, I still have only 5 slots. ( one additional from first package)

That is a bug or cheating of customers by Plarium!

Commander, We can not track anything on the forums for payments, or support.  I'm sorry we can't help you here, however if you go to our support team and submit a ticket they can check out what's going on here for you

May 4, 2017, 10:1905/04/17

Hi, it's not a bug or cheating.

All players can have only 5 annexes (expansion buildings). 

You've got 5th slot already so all further purchases will have no effect on you.

May 4, 2017, 16:1105/04/17
May 4, 2017, 17:33(edited)

No bug and no cheating? Ok, it just seems to be deceptive advertising

Edit: I got a feedback from support. 

They Explained the slot was not mentioned in the offer.

That could be possible that it was Not mentioned in the item list of offer.

But I am absolutely sure that in the picture on the top of that offer there was a digger, some of these slots and an advertisement " get additional slot....".  

I saw that offer and thought: great, a 6th slot. I buy that offer. The list of other items was not relevant for me. So I am absolutely sure that the slot was advertised. 

Everybody can form one's own opinion about that issue...

I feel definitely cheated, technical term for that is "deceptive advertisement"

Plarium should implement a revision of graphics of offers!

I am sure I am not the only player with that problem.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 5, 2017, 08:4905/05/17
Cavedog said:

No bug and no cheating? Ok, it just seems to be deceptive advertising

Edit: I got a feedback from support. 

They Explained the slot was not mentioned in the offer.

That could be possible that it was Not mentioned in the item list of offer.

But I am absolutely sure that in the picture on the top of that offer there was a digger, some of these slots and an advertisement " get additional slot....".  

I saw that offer and thought: great, a 6th slot. I buy that offer. The list of other items was not relevant for me. So I am absolutely sure that the slot was advertised. 

Everybody can form one's own opinion about that issue...

I feel definitely cheated, technical term for that is "deceptive advertisement"

Plarium should implement a revision of graphics of offers!

I am sure I am not the only player with that problem.

Do you have a screenshot of that offer?
May 5, 2017, 13:1205/05/17
May 5, 2017, 13:14(edited)

Plarium support is working on that issue.  They say only 5 slots (1 additional) are possible. 

We have to find any other solution...  so that Thread can be closed.

Hopefully next offers will be more clear. In any case I advise to make detailed screenshots of every purchase. For me I will be a non-paying player from now. If that does not work any more e.g. due to necessary items that prevent a further development of base, I will stop playing. Actually I don't mind. A good PC-game also costs nearly 100 euro with every expansion pack. And I played soldier inc much longer than some unused expensive games on my PC... so I don't worry any more. 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 8, 2017, 09:5905/08/17
Closed on a poster's request.
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