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defense annex really OP i think...defense annex really OP i think...

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defense annex really OP i think...

Apr 29, 2017, 04:3204/29/17

defense annex really OP i think...

i'm just feel my troop become free PVP point for my enemy when he empty his base..

i'm tiny coiner... i know i got advantage from that also

but it's the most OP defense building in your games..

Gregory HillModerator
May 2, 2017, 08:1005/02/17

Anyone using both the basic and advanced defense annexes?

May 2, 2017, 08:1805/02/17

wittygamer said:

Anyone using both the basic and advanced defense annexes?

i use both and i saw many others same with me...

Gregory HillModerator
May 2, 2017, 08:4205/02/17

What type of defense boost are you seeing?  this is good part of the forums.. to discuss the annexes and what we see..

May 2, 2017, 08:5405/02/17

You can use both, you can upgrade both =)

You can't spy enemy deff annex, but defender can send there reinforcements and it'll be nice surprise.
May 2, 2017, 08:5605/02/17
May 2, 2017, 08:58(edited)

wittygamer said:

What type of defense boost are you seeing?  this is good part of the forums.. to discuss the annexes and what we see..

oop.....that's really strange question.

you nvr got hit by any other players??

those defense annex have no boost on defense.

but they are free base guard unit when your base or any annex got hit.

that's really stronger than any other turret.

and if you didn't hit defense annex directly.

even you beat them in battle...they won't be damaged.

Gregory HillModerator
May 2, 2017, 09:0605/02/17

just making friendly banter on the forums.. :)

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