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can we report or block player in chat room??can we report or block player in chat room??

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can we report or block player in chat room??

Apr 25, 2017, 13:5004/25/17

can we report or block player in chat room??

especially when i saw some retard keep post rude word to offend others...

Apr 25, 2017, 15:0104/25/17
try sending them a message. when you do there is a way to block them. it is a circle with a line threw it. click that and you should be all set. hope this help.
Apr 28, 2017, 12:0304/28/17

Eugenia Misura said:

Hi! You can report this situation to our Support team at so we can take appropriate measures. 

i tried and my ticket just be closed directly...

no reply and nothing i saw "solved"

he still keep speak insult when he log in...
Gregory HillModerator
Apr 28, 2017, 14:2404/28/17

If you would like to block the player so you no longer see messages..  You will need to add to your blacklist.

To do so in the chat, click on the players name which will bring up a menu.  Click 'send message'.

In the create message window, in the top right will be a trash can icon then an icon with a crossed out circle.  Clicking the crossed out circle will add them to your blacklist and make it so you do not see there messages.

As for your support ticket we can not see or respond in reference to that, however if the player broke the rules, screenshots are helpful to the support team.

Hope this helps.

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