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Minimum levelMinimum level

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Minimum level

Apr 19, 2017, 20:3704/19/17

Minimum level

I see in some alliance's basic info that they have a minimum level set.  Where can this be set , I can not seen to find this.

Apr 19, 2017, 20:5404/19/17
There is no setting for a minimum level, Level 8 is the minimum level  for a player to join any alliance since that is when they can build an alliance center in the game.  The alliances that state a minimum level other than the default are stating a preference and actively remove those that do not meet it. 
Gregory HillModerator
Apr 19, 2017, 23:0004/19/17

Are you trying to set it for your own alliance?  

Apr 20, 2017, 16:1004/20/17

Lurker said:

There is no setting for a minimum level, Level 8 is the minimum level  for a player to join any alliance since that is when they can build an alliance center in the game.  The alliances that state a minimum level other than the default are stating a preference and actively remove those that do not meet it. 

So ooops what i said was wrong. There is a place to set minimum level, it must be somewhere only the marshal can see.

I was right about the level 8 stuff though  :-p

Gregory HillModerator
Apr 20, 2017, 19:3204/20/17
Apr 20, 2017, 19:33(edited)

yes only the Marshall can set it.

It is located by selecting The Alliance tab and then at the bottom is a settings button.

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