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Cheating the ops systemCheating the ops system

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Cheating the ops system

Apr 6, 2017, 09:0904/06/17

Cheating the ops system

I'm marshal of F-u and if we continue to have the ops system chested by Russian alliances. You will lose alot of money I will personally quit this game and take my money else where iv spent alot of time and money on this game like so many others to get owned by cheaters. Either fix it or say good by to your incomes

Apr 6, 2017, 09:1904/06/17
Apr 6, 2017, 09:28(edited)

Plarium. All top alliances are having issues with this. It is not isolated. 

Players are already quitting. What is the point of investing in this game when exploiters that make 20 to 30 alts exploit ops with not having to spend and so easily pummel alliances that have spent months building their forces honestly. 

Had already suspected this. And now this exploit has come out into the light even though a thread called cheaters with huge armies was created prior to this. And yet nothing was done. 

The lack of action and support to combat this game imbalance speaks volumes about your care for game balance and the majority playerbase. 

You know how much I have spent on this game. I am not spending anymore money until this exploit gets fixed because no amount of honest smart gameplay or money can combat it. So it is pointless.

Goodbye :(

Apr 6, 2017, 10:1504/06/17
I am also ready to quit. I see no point in wasting my time and money on a game that cannot control or has no desire to control such issues.  I have spent a lot of money on this game and have no desire to continue.
Apr 6, 2017, 10:2004/06/17
Guys, can you give coordinates and alliances of suspiciuos players?
Apr 6, 2017, 10:2304/06/17
What happens to my base and account if I apply for a refund of ingame purchases due to these issues?
Apr 6, 2017, 10:5404/06/17
These bases are not part of any alliance. The coords for the 2 I hit are -250 -621 lvl 8 and -252 -615 lvl 11. Look around there are hundreds of these low lvl bases and all grouped together. If that isn't suspect then I'm done.
Apr 7, 2017, 16:4304/07/17
Shogun1 said:

These bases are not part of any alliance. The coords for the 2 I hit are -250 -621 lvl 8 and -252 -615 lvl 11. Look around there are hundreds of these low lvl bases and all grouped together. If that isn't suspect then I'm done.
Can you please specificy if owners of these two accounts have huge armies? Or you mean that they are joining into groups? 
Apr 8, 2017, 00:5204/08/17
The lvl 11 base I sent over 2m offense and lost. That was after I sent 2 raids of 100 equalizers each. Huge army? I couldn't tell you. I was not able to get a victory.
Apr 10, 2017, 12:0304/10/17
Shogun1 said:

The lvl 11 base I sent over 2m offense and lost. That was after I sent 2 raids of 100 equalizers each. Huge army? I couldn't tell you. I was not able to get a victory.
Hi! Can you please PM me coordinates of these bases? 
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