Hello PLARIUM, We here at LoW are facing Russians making many alt accounts with huge armies. I write you this because their is nothing we can do to stop this from happening.
We know exactly how they are doing this. Now it's your job to fix it or you will lose some paying players very quickly.
They are simply making many Alts. They only do special ops and they have found an algorithm to make a 5 - 7 million army base in 2 weeks. They keep the armies protected by sending all the troops to a protected base. They will then throw these bases at us 1 by 1. I know you guys are getting the tickets from players about this. Please don't ignore us. It's very evident that they are doing this and there is plenty of ways to check on this. You can check these russian players stats and see 0 offense, 0 defense, and millions on ops. Also the alliance badges show everything with these players. They will have barely any troops hired badge, but very high ops badge.
A simple fix I believe would be to change the algorithm up. Just a small patch or hot fix that doesn't allow these small bases to collect these big armies. They are doing the special ops in a way in which they will never lose, going all the way up to special ops level 100. Implement a patch that stops them from getting a payout every single time.
I have sent in a ticket and I hope this gets patched soon. Give us some kind of feedback or if this is being worked on.