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Get Soldiers Inc: Mobile Warfare
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Apr 4, 2017, 20:5404/04/17


Hello PLARIUM,  We here at LoW are facing Russians making many alt accounts with huge armies. I write you this because their is nothing we can do to stop this from happening. 

We know exactly how they are doing this. Now it's your job to fix it or you will lose some paying players very quickly. 

They are simply making many Alts. They only do special ops and they have found an algorithm to make a 5 - 7 million army base in 2 weeks. They keep the armies protected by sending all the troops to a protected base. They will then throw these bases at us 1 by 1. I know you guys are getting the tickets from players about this. Please don't ignore us. It's very evident that they are doing this and there is plenty of ways to check on this. You can check these russian players stats and see 0 offense, 0 defense, and millions on ops. Also the alliance badges show everything with these players. They will have barely any troops hired badge, but very high ops badge. 

A simple fix I believe would be to change the algorithm up. Just a small patch or hot fix that doesn't allow these small bases to collect these big armies. They are doing the special ops in a way in which they will never lose, going all the way up to special ops level 100. Implement a patch that stops them from getting a payout every single time. 

I have sent in a ticket and I hope this gets patched soon. Give us some kind of feedback or if this is being worked on. 

Apr 5, 2017, 17:4204/05/17
Agreed and waiting too. 
Apr 6, 2017, 02:5004/06/17

Also agreed. Pretty insane how a level base can get 500k marines in a few days... 

And then 10 alt bases doing that. Let alone the 100-200 Russian alt bases that all do the same thing. No one can defeat that unbalanced aspect of the game. Already I have had several of my members express a desire to quit the game. 

This is absolutely insanely flawed. 
Apr 6, 2017, 08:2704/06/17
I completely agree F-u will no longer spend money if this 
Apr 6, 2017, 10:2504/06/17
I have raided a lvl 11 base. I sent 2m offense and lost. Unknown how much they actually have. I can only assume that it is far more than what I could possibly win against. I moved on and hit a second base (lvl 8) and lost. It is absurd to continue playing if nothing will be done. I have played long enough to see that I have no desire to continue if nothing is done about this issue.
Apr 6, 2017, 10:4804/06/17
Apr 6, 2017, 10:49(edited)

MAD just lost another Black Site. 20 attacks with around 100k grenadiers each. Same unit composition for each.

Apr 6, 2017, 11:4804/06/17
Apr 7, 2017, 14:43(edited)

Commanders, it's true that it's not allowed to create alternative accounts according to our Policies. However, some players do violate the rules, that's why we ask players to report suspicious accounts to our Support team so they can take appropriate measures. We would really appreaciate your cooperation at this point.

Moreover, at the moment we're working on algorythm, which can prevent such violations in general.

Apr 7, 2017, 01:1804/07/17
THANK YOU VERY MUCH!  I may spend again once you tell us the Ops Algorithm has been corrected!  Not until then though. 
Apr 7, 2017, 01:3104/07/17

I think the players who have spent money, some of us in the thousands, should be reimbursed. These violators have stolen from your loyal spending consumers as well as having stolen from Plarium itself. None of us feel comfortable spending any money now for fear that it will just be robbed from us again. That's a HUGE chunk of change out of Plarium's pocket if we, the actual buyers in the game have been forced to reconsider the cost effectiveness of buying units we know will be lost. I would like to ask Plarium to reimburse LoW and KIA members the units that were robbed from each player in this fashion. I personally lost 10 million in power, which took since the beginning of me starting this game and close to $3k to have. If reimbursement occurs, I can see you retaining a good deal of buying consumers that will inevitably keep the game going and continue Plarium's huge profitable success. As of now, all spending players are on a buying strike. I can't feasibly see myself spending anymore money on a game where other players can break the user agreement and we the consumers are expected to just eat our losses. I hope you make the decision to correct this fraud not only for yourselves, but for your loyal customers as well. 

Thank you,

Apr 7, 2017, 02:5004/07/17
Love this game, but I to will have to find another if this is not fixed. Maybe you guy
Apr 7, 2017, 16:3804/07/17
Sizz said:

THANK YOU VERY MUCH!  I may spend again once you tell us the Ops Algorithm has been corrected!  Not until then though. 
Commander, Ops work without any issues. Please remember that it's not guatanteed to get a Reward each time you hit Ops. However, all your losses are counted in the system, don't worry!
Apr 7, 2017, 21:0404/07/17
Yeah well I'm very disappointed as of right now. I am 1 that has spent far more than $10k and will not be playing much longer. I really don't see a point in spending money on a game that any knucklehead can create multiple accounts win 100k in troops playing special ops. Then if I raid them they lose 287k to my 325k. I'm a lvl 89 and they are a lvl 8. It's just absurd.
Apr 7, 2017, 21:1004/07/17

Eugenia Misura said:

Sizz said:

THANK YOU VERY MUCH!  I may spend again once you tell us the Ops Algorithm has been corrected!  Not until then though. 
Commander, Ops work without any issues. Please remember that it's not guatanteed to get a Reward each time you hit Ops. However, all your losses are counted in the system, don't worry!

Hi Eugenia. I know that is what you believe but several Russian Clans have proven that wrong. They start an alt, run only the Top Red Op until they run out and then run the Top Green Op. This method allows them to win every op with big payout on final op. They hold the troops while they have their 3 day bubble. In 2 weeks they are able to produce between 5-7mil light inf powered ops.  They start over when the server rolls the ops.  They can do these in a few mins per account.  

Please look at Alliance TOR for an example of this currently.  Look at their Alliance Achievements and you will see high numbers on their Super Soldier (Ops) achievement and very little on anything else  

Once their bubble is gone they move the troops to a new account to protect the previous troops made. Some of these players are able generate 10+ accounts which is why you see these massive farms all over a given area  

When ready they position a new low level account loaded with up to the max they can hold and new player bubble.  They can draw them out with their now lvl 60+ players and send over 100k light infantry at a time.  All at no cost.

We have tested and proven this Ops exploit works in several Alliances.  It is a fact to us in game.  Please Fix it!

Apr 10, 2017, 13:1204/10/17
Sizz said:

Eugenia Misura said:

Sizz said:

THANK YOU VERY MUCH!  I may spend again once you tell us the Ops Algorithm has been corrected!  Not until then though. 
Commander, Ops work without any issues. Please remember that it's not guatanteed to get a Reward each time you hit Ops. However, all your losses are counted in the system, don't worry!

Hi Eugenia. I know that is what you believe but several Russian Clans have proven that wrong. They start an alt, run only the Top Red Op until they run out and then run the Top Green Op. This method allows them to win every op with big payout on final op. They hold the troops while they have their 3 day bubble. In 2 weeks they are able to produce between 5-7mil light inf powered ops.  They start over when the server rolls the ops.  They can do these in a few mins per account.  

Please look at Alliance TOR for an example of this currently.  Look at their Alliance Achievements and you will see high numbers on their Super Soldier (Ops) achievement and very little on anything else  

Once their bubble is gone they move the troops to a new account to protect the previous troops made. Some of these players are able generate 10+ accounts which is why you see these massive farms all over a given area  

When ready they position a new low level account loaded with up to the max they can hold and new player bubble.  They can draw them out with their now lvl 60+ players and send over 100k light infantry at a time.  All at no cost.

We have tested and proven this Ops exploit works in several Alliances.  It is a fact to us in game.  Please Fix it!

Hi! Thank you for reporting this situation, we'll check it. Can you please specify if you reported this case to our Support team? 
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