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Inaccurate Combat StatisticsInaccurate Combat Statistics

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Inaccurate Combat Statistics

Mar 28, 2017, 21:4603/28/17

Inaccurate Combat Statistics

Defensive numbers being reported on combat statistics, individual HQ & BS report and directly shown by the member from their perspective are all different by hundreds of thousands.

I do not see any option to add screen shots. 

There is no justifiable reason this should be like this other than it's an error. 

Mar 31, 2017, 07:5803/31/17
Mar 31, 2017, 07:59(edited)


It is annoying and hard to determine how much a member has actually contributed defensive power wise to alliance buildings

What happens, is that the combat statistics and offensive and defensive stats of players with reinforcements at alliance buildings. These stats are only the 'base' stats of the units. And do not show the extra stats from tech and buildings upgrades, hero gear and abilities nor nano chips. 

This really needs to be changed. 

Mar 31, 2017, 12:0203/31/17

It's not bug, unfortunately, it's game feature.

Apr 7, 2017, 03:5704/07/17
Ve4nik said:

It's not bug, unfortunately, it's game feature.

How can the Stats between the User and the BS be so far off?  Which number is accurate?  Is it what the User thinks he put on the BS or is it what others see on the Bs?  We have a user showing 50% difference?  How do we know what is actually on the BS?
Apr 13, 2017, 15:2704/13/17
Wizzsneak said:

Ve4nik said:

It's not bug, unfortunately, it's game feature.

How can the Stats between the User and the BS be so far off?  Which number is accurate?  Is it what the User thinks he put on the BS or is it what others see on the Bs?  We have a user showing 50% difference?  How do we know what is actually on the BS?
Hi! Do you see how we can improve this feature? 
Apr 22, 2017, 20:4904/22/17
I have a idea that mite just fix the issue. As it stands right now it I possible to make a alts clan with 120 million in one week. How about make b.s strikes restricted by level. Let's say can't hit a hq until level 60, cant hit a b.s until level 70. This mite help the game. It's not really the alts that are a issue. Its more the fact you c
Apr 22, 2017, 21:0204/22/17

It could be just as easy as that. Alot of people spend money on this game it's a shame a few have to mess it up its a fun game. The amount of time and skill and money it takes to build a real clan, it's a shame that it seems nothing can be done to stop the cheaters that are killing the game. Soon this will remove all the money players and make it a alt war game. More and more are now building alt clans. Mvd, rrr, etc there alt clans you just have to look at there bases. It's not hard to tell yet nothing has been done about it. It's turning into where you are a fool to spend money on a game you can't win on. Right now if you did it correctly spent months building a alliance take a b.s and these alt clan took a week to make, drop 100 million on you.

Apr 22, 2017, 21:1204/22/17
All imporovments mean nothing unless you fix the issue that's plunging the game from all skull and building you don't even have to develop 
Apr 22, 2017, 21:2004/22/17
Apr 22, 2017, 21:33(edited)
If you have spent enough time and money and play this game the way it was intended to be played you would realize just how right I am. Stats Intel army numbers 
Apr 24, 2017, 13:5004/24/17
Thank you for sharing your ideas! I'll pass them to our devs. 
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