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Ops needs to be overhauled Ops needs to be overhauled

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Ops needs to be overhauled

Mar 28, 2017, 18:5003/28/17

Ops needs to be overhauled

You need to sort out ops, you either needs to produce a table to help us decide what troops we need to send for minimum loss because I am sick and tired to constantly losing my while army to this trying to get troops, can you help? Constantly losing troops without really getting much in the way of rewards
Mar 30, 2017, 08:5303/30/17

Sorry, friend, but ops are black box. Plarium won't give you exact tables and math.

Only other players can share their experience and help with learning how to do ops.
Mar 31, 2017, 08:1203/31/17

Ops are there so the majority lose their armies and have to resort to buying packs and diamond reviving.

And then there is a minority that have found exploits...... 

It is the most bizarre system I have come across in a mobile game. The difficulty learning curve for it is insane. And makes a majority of the playerbase just up and quit the game. 


........................ o0

Apr 2, 2017, 19:4504/02/17
Commander, Ops are, and have always been, optional element of gameplay. Yes, they are tricky, but that is the point - you need to play smart and analyze your gain and losses in order to create your own strategy. We can't give the exact formula, the only thing I can say is that all losses are counted. If you feel that Ops are disappointing for you, you can still enjoy the rest parts of the gameplay!