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How to disband an alliance, or how to merge alliancesHow to disband an alliance, or how to merge alliances

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How to disband an alliance, or how to merge alliances

Mar 28, 2017, 02:5803/28/17

How to disband an alliance, or how to merge alliances

I have read a couple places that alliances can be disbanded but haven't found out how to do that. Also is there a way to merge 2 alliances into 1?

Mar 28, 2017, 07:5803/28/17
Hi! No, there is no way in the game to do that. Some players create so-called "training Alliances", where they prepare newbies, and the good ones are accepted to the main Alliance. 
Apr 2, 2017, 19:4104/02/17
You're welcome :)
Apr 23, 2017, 22:5304/23/17
Apr 23, 2017, 22:54(edited)
My commander has not been on the game in 36 days can I take on the alliance 
Gregory HillModerator
Apr 24, 2017, 01:2304/24/17

You will need to submit a support ticket to the support team.

Apr 24, 2017, 13:3004/24/17

slowslowmotion said:

My commander has not been on the game in 36 days can I take on the alliance 

If your Commander did not log in into the game for more than 3 weeks, you can submit a ticket to our Support Team: and they will guide you through the process.

You will need to vote for a new Commander. At least 50% of your Alliance members should support the new candidate. The results (screenshots of the vote) should be sent to our Support Team. Then they will assign a new Commander.

Apr 26, 2017, 04:4504/26/17

Eugenia Misura said:

slowslowmotion said:

My commander has not been on the game in 36 days can I take on the alliance 

If your Commander did not log in into the game for more than 3 weeks, you can submit a ticket to our Support Team: and they will guide you through the process.

You will need to vote for a new Commander. At least 50% of your Alliance members should support the new candidate. The results (screenshots of the vote) should be sent to our Support Team. Then they will assign a new Commander.

just one more question..

is that mean we only need "active" member's vote??

only 5 members still active (include myself) and all others quit over 60days in my case...

Apr 26, 2017, 08:3204/26/17
cluelessrunner0002 said:

Eugenia Misura said:

slowslowmotion said:

My commander has not been on the game in 36 days can I take on the alliance 

If your Commander did not log in into the game for more than 3 weeks, you can submit a ticket to our Support Team: and they will guide you through the process.

You will need to vote for a new Commander. At least 50% of your Alliance members should support the new candidate. The results (screenshots of the vote) should be sent to our Support Team. Then they will assign a new Commander.

just one more question..

is that mean we only need "active" member's vote??

only 5 members still active (include myself) and all others quit over 60days in my case...

Then it will be easy to vote :) 
Apr 26, 2017, 10:0004/26/17

Eugenia Misura said:

Then it will be easy to vote :) 

i see...thanks for your help.
Apr 27, 2017, 07:5204/27/17
cluelessrunner0002 said:

Eugenia Misura said:

Then it will be easy to vote :) 

i see...thanks for your help.
Anytime :) 
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