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Game improvement

Mar 7, 2017, 20:2203/07/17

Game improvement

I suggest a battle log for the 

Mar 9, 2017, 07:2003/09/17
Please, continue your suggestion, cause I think forum erase smth.
Mar 9, 2017, 07:2503/09/17
Lol. Don't leave us hanging 😅
Mar 9, 2017, 07:2903/09/17
Mar 9, 2017, 07:30(edited)

An i suggest to create new totally balanced server without any donations.

Where everyone will be in the same conditions.

Not allowed to restore troops for diamonds. only for resources. Not allowed to buy troops for diamonds. only resources.

No diamonds at all. And we will see how really interesting game you have.  And how current TOP players will have huge armies.
Mar 9, 2017, 10:0303/09/17
Hi! Initially, all players start the game in the same comditions. Further, they choose the way of development and create their own strategy. So we're not going to add another server with the specifications that you've mentioned.
Mar 14, 2017, 14:5003/14/17

To game moderators, I've noticed you have a ally list for your alliance, how about adding a list for joint coalition of your alliance's allies and maybe tournaments or perks and bonuses for obtaining allies to your alliance. Kinda like Great Britain and United States of America are allies but independently run apart from each other. It would make this game so more real, fun and competitive. But may I suggest you put boundaries guidelines on it to forbid large alliances to team up with other large alliances so competition is fair.

Mar 14, 2017, 17:2903/14/17
Mar 14, 2017, 17:30(edited)
Wish we can heal troops with out using diamonds. Other games I play let u revive troops with 
Mar 15, 2017, 08:0403/15/17

We can revive troops by rss but only our own base defenders.

That's how all plarium infirmary works.
Mar 15, 2017, 20:3503/15/17
You should be able to transfer resources to any player. They can be used as a negotiating tool when resolving disputes. Thumbs up or thumbs 
Mar 16, 2017, 06:4903/16/17

Speed up opp's,,  they take to long to do...  You have around 80 in total to do now each day,,  it takes way to long even at only a 1 minute each 

Mar 16, 2017, 10:0503/16/17
Redragon1927 said:

Speed up opp's,,  they take to long to do...  You have around 80 in total to do now each day,,  it takes way to long even at only a 1 minute each 

Strategy game requires patience, Commander :) 
Mar 16, 2017, 10:0703/16/17
swallace_1967 said:

You should be able to transfer resources to any player. They can be used as a negotiating tool when resolving disputes. Thumbs up or thumbs 
You can send Resources to your aliies. 
Mar 17, 2017, 12:3903/17/17

Can I suggest that there be a alliance member performance button added to the alliance Mission completed page so that we​ can see who finished where after the alliance Mission completes? This would make rewarding the top 3 finishers easier for those that time it right to the end. All the other tournaments have currently have this option.

Mar 17, 2017, 13:0003/17/17
tiberjoe said:

Can I suggest that there be a alliance member performance button added to the alliance Mission completed page so that we​ can see who finished where after the alliance Mission completes? This would make rewarding the top 3 finishers easier for those that time it right to the end. All the other tournaments have currently have this option.

Hi! Thank you for your suggestion, I'll pass it to our developers.
Mar 19, 2017, 16:4703/19/17

First of all i want to say that i like the Game very much But please think about following things:

Please make Tanks and Planes a Bit cheaper to Build with ressources. 

Make cheaper Special offers! I bought 5 packs and now i only get packs for $99,99? That's Not fair i want to have Special offers for $5-$10 too. 

Please think about this!

Thank you, best regards,


Mar 20, 2017, 16:5803/20/17

Gangdalf said:

First of all i want to say that i like the Game very much But please think about following things:

Please make Tanks and Planes a Bit cheaper to Build with ressources. 

Make cheaper Special offers! I bought 5 packs and now i only get packs for $99,99? That's Not fair i want to have Special offers for $5-$10 too. 

Please think about this!

Thank you, best regards,


Hi! Thank you for your feedback, I'm glad to know that you like the game!

You know that we have regular Bank Offers and Special Offers with bonuses.

Special Offers appear according to a set algorithm which is constantly evolving. Several departments work on the development of that algorithm and they rely on analytics data, marketing research and other information they receive through their research channels.

You can receive a cheap or an expensive Special Offer, and it is chosen by that algorithm. Unfortunately, it’s not a part of the game our players can affect directly or pass suggestions about some changes to it. If you don’t like your current Offers or find them expensive, you can wait for better ones, and they will appear sooner or later. 

Mar 21, 2017, 00:5003/21/17
I recon the ops need to be reworked, I like the fact that you can get some troops from it but it's a stab in the dark, the amount of time I've send out ops and they have come back with low rewards and hi losses. Either make them so the losses are less or the rewards are higher. It's annoying when you loose most of your power 
Mar 26, 2017, 12:0303/26/17

- add log history on each sector e.g add a HISTORY button near raid,recon,reinforcement... that show last 20 activities with date and time i or my colleagues have done on this sector. Same log button should appears in contacts list.

Mar 27, 2017, 07:5203/27/17

Guys, I'm closing theme cause we have Suggestion branch HERE.

All suggestion discussion will be there.
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