Unknown_Ranger47Feb 27, 2017, 17:5902/27/1703/23/178Elite status I read that each elite status level increases run, but I am level 9 still same amount of runs. Plus there is no status
DeletedFeb 28, 2017, 07:1902/28/17Feb 28, 2017, 07:20(edited)1369Frankly speaking there are the same "Reduced waiting time between Raid attemps" and total raid attemps per day for any Elite level when it's active.So, please, give me some more info to advise you =)
Unknown_Ranger47Mar 22, 2017, 16:1803/22/1703/23/178The game shows that each elite status level increases the amount of resource runs, but it is the same for all levels
DeletedMar 23, 2017, 11:3803/23/17Mar 23, 2017, 11:42(edited)1369I'm not sure about exact numbers, but math is following:We have 20 raids per day (default).24h*60=1440 min / 20 = 72 min timer till +1 raid attempt.Any Elite will give +4 raids per day.1440 min / 24 = 60 min timer till +1 raid attempt.For example, I use 30 min elite activator. So, timer +1 raid attempt will be 1 hour. Activator end - timer will return back - 72 min.
Unknown_Ranger47Mar 23, 2017, 19:0803/23/1703/23/178I am speaking of the individual, alliance, and resource runs