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What makes units offense or defensive?What makes units offense or defensive?

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What makes units offense or defensive?

Feb 25, 2017, 16:1902/25/17

What makes units offense or defensive?

Coming from Total Domination units were very clearly either offensive or defensive, shown by the big difference in attack and defense statistic.

In Mobile Warfare it's not so obvious to me, the difference between attack and defense is very minor on most units I have.

Feb 26, 2017, 18:3402/26/17

M0rdresh said:

Coming from Total Domination units were very clearly either offensive or defensive, shown by the big difference in attack and defense statistic.

In Mobile Warfare it's not so obvious to me, the difference between attack and defense is very minor on most units I have.

what do you think is it good or bad ??

also you can use technologies and research to increase the gap and you yourself would identify which is off or def ( by specifying what stats you are going after )

either way what i might be using as off you may be using as def ( because of lvl and research ,,etc)

the choice is yours have fun 

Feb 26, 2017, 20:0702/26/17
They have clearly specified what they think should be offensive and which should be defensive. Look at the troops that they show that the defensive nano chips support vs the offensive ones. You can also look at the strategic units you can buy or win and the units they support.
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