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Unproportional losses

Unproportional losses

Jan 30, 2017, 20:1601/30/17

Unproportional losses

So my base got attacked by around 250 units of different account.

My base was fully loaded with lots of units with well over a ten fold of his power.

A picture says more than a thousand words:

Yeah sure someone is probably going argue about tech updates, I sincerely doubt had had more than me and even then, look at those numbers.

If this is normal for this game....

Jan 30, 2017, 22:0301/30/17
How the hell...... @.@
Jan 30, 2017, 22:4901/30/17

to me it looks like it's adding up his and your power wrong, 

Jan 31, 2017, 09:3401/31/17


Lets calculate base (lots of numbers):

  1. Raider losses: 94/17/24/102. Off power of these units: 90/200/15/10. Multiply: 94*90/17*200/24*15/102*10=13240 - exactly. FYI upgraded units (with orange triangle) are +20% power.
  2. You loses are more complicated to calculate but let's try:1/3/3/9/3/3/1/126/38/_1_/44/119/30. Exept "_1_" Ghost sniper. Deff power: 1600/162/318/100/120/318/110/15/3/__/5/10/3. Multiply: 1*1600/3*162/3*318/9*100/3*120/3*318/1*110/126/15/38*3/__/44*5/119*10/30*30 = 9 678.  10315-9678=637. Ghost sniper have 111 base deff and bonus can be up to +1800. So 637 deff points can be from this Sniper.

Strange, losses can't be the same. 

Well, the problem can be in battle mechanic algorithm that annex is used only as last defence line.

Need more statistics.

Jan 31, 2017, 10:1201/31/17
But. If battles were logical and the loss death ratio was actually more believeable, there would be too many players who would not take sufficient losses to have them need to fork out money to diamond recover 
Jan 31, 2017, 13:1201/31/17

Well, it's not critical for me till I'm not raiding.

As for screen, defender have the same looses as raider but deff looses can be revived by rss. And it's great.

Jan 31, 2017, 14:2701/31/17

But what is the conclusion then, the outcome of that attack is perfectly normal ?

With that low amount of player level difference and I'm sure the same goes with Tech status, with the sheer amount of difference between my army fighting his, the outcome of this battle defies all logic. Anyone can see this by looking at the screenshot alone.
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