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So when do I get to start having fun? So when do I get to start having fun?

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So when do I get to start having fun?

Dec 13, 2016, 05:2812/13/16

So when do I get to start having fun?

It's your average, base building, micro management game. There is no action, sending your troops to do anything simply displays a progress bar and report after upon completion of the task, I don't really see anything. I was whole heartedly expecting a game with some sort of fighting, action, something. Not this same generic thing I've done before. I got bored after a couple minutes, and stopped playing after I hit level 15 because it didn't look like anything was going to change.
Dec 13, 2016, 15:5112/13/16

mclain540 said:

It's your average, base building, micro management game. There is no action, sending your troops to do anything simply displays a progress bar and report after upon completion of the task, I don't really see anything. I was whole heartedly expecting a game with some sort of fighting, action, something. Not this same generic thing I've done before. I got bored after a couple minutes, and stopped playing after I hit level 15 because it didn't look like anything was going to change.


Thanks for your feedback! If you ever change your mind we will be happy to see you again :)

Dec 13, 2016, 19:3012/13/16
Dec 13, 2016, 19:31(edited)

mclain540 said:

It's your average, base building, micro management game. There is no action, sending your troops to do anything simply displays a progress bar and report after upon completion of the task, I don't really see anything. I was whole heartedly expecting a game with some sort of fighting, action, something. Not this same generic thing I've done before. I got bored after a couple minutes, and stopped playing after I hit level 15 because it didn't look like anything was going to change.

that's not true,

many here that do play try and figure out the right formula to do the Operations, it's not always easy figuring them out

there is many options in this game you can set to and decide if that is what you wanna be part of, Offense player defense player,

If you wanna strictly work on operations and not worry about owning blacksites or Hq.. 

stick around, you might find that something in the game might interest you 
Dec 14, 2016, 16:4712/14/16
Bud, if it's not for you, then it's not for you. No need to make topics of this attitude. 
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