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Losing More Than I Gain?Losing More Than I Gain?

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Losing More Than I Gain?

Dec 8, 2016, 21:1412/08/16

Losing More Than I Gain?

When raiding on the map I find myself losing more than I gain back, I have tried using different combinations, with the same result. My total troop power is in the reign of 20k Any ideas?
Dec 9, 2016, 08:1712/09/16

commander who and what are you raiding ??

it depends sometimes maybe the player is just stronger than you so you will be defeated 

if it is operations that you raid then take into consideration that there are other rewards such as 

1) exp points 2) resources 3) hero items and more 

i strongly advise you to do things only when there is an event running for them this way you will earn extra rewards and minimize losses 

hope that helps :))
Dec 10, 2016, 13:3612/10/16

Commander #453545 said:

When raiding on the map I find myself losing more than I gain back, I have tried using different combinations, with the same result. My total troop power is in the reign of 20k Any ideas?

You might wanna scout before raiding, By looking at what is in their base before attacking

if they are over whelmed with troops then scout another base, 

if you are losing troops doing OP's watch on the offense and defense cost, this is a little tricky, this part you actually know by the cost of the troop what it is... 
Dec 16, 2016, 03:4612/16/16
I'm also finding it that i loose more then i gain at some point i had around 1.3 million attack and 2.4 million defense  After But after doing operations and WINNING them i find myself down to less then 50,000 troops as i never got any troops back from them even though i won, i can't continue to do much in-game at this point other then waiting for more troops to be produced but as it takes 6 hours barely make 5,000 attack power it seems impoible to build myself back up without just spending money (which i have allready) but if to continue playing the game im forced to spend money then why continue
Dec 16, 2016, 04:5012/16/16
DrStrangelove said:

I'm also finding it that i loose more then i gain at some point i had around 1.3 million attack and 2.4 million defense  After But after doing operations and WINNING them i find myself down to less then 50,000 troops as i never got any troops back from them even though i won, i can't continue to do much in-game at this point other then waiting for more troops to be produced but as it takes 6 hours barely make 5,000 attack power it seems impoible to build myself back up without just spending money (which i have allready) but if to continue playing the game im forced to spend money then why continue
I agree 100%. 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Dec 16, 2016, 11:5312/16/16

Guys, you need to do Operations carefully, and use strategic approach. Choose the best Units, count your losses and rewards, make conclusiong and discover the algorithm behind them :)

They are running as intended, and no issues were detected.
Dec 16, 2016, 21:3912/16/16

i know the game doesn't tell you out that there is a good defense and offense value but their is..

Commando are an offense troop as well as Paratroopers is a defense  

remember paying in the banking helps as well

If you are new to the game then what i mean paying the bank is weekining each operation and not killing it

then hitting your second highest ops

Dec 17, 2016, 02:1212/17/16
Do special ops not go past level 100? I haven't been able to go past 100. 
Dec 17, 2016, 02:2512/17/16

the special OP's you wanna stay away from they are harder to kill and really eat up your troops stick with the regular Op's 

once you start advancing in the game, you prolly can go back and kill scrap troops on the special op's
Dec 18, 2016, 04:2812/18/16
My question is, does the ops levels go past 100? I've completed 100 special ops, not skull ops. But nothing spawns after level 100.
Dec 18, 2016, 04:2912/18/16
Blasphemy said:

i know the game doesn't tell you out that there is a good defense and offense value but their is..

Commando are an offense troop as well as Paratroopers is a defense  

remember paying in the banking helps as well

If you are new to the game then what i mean paying the bank is weekining each operation and not killing it

then hitting your second highest ops

Blasphemy, can you please check my personal message!
Dec 18, 2016, 08:1112/18/16

KingKong said:

My question is, does the ops levels go past 100? I've completed 100 special ops, not skull ops. But nothing spawns after level 100.

no commander that is currently the max level 

congratulation on such victory :)))
Dec 18, 2016, 14:3112/18/16
KingKong said:

My question is, does the ops levels go past 100? I've completed 100 special ops, not skull ops. But nothing spawns after level 100.
Exxe is right, 100 is the max right now as the game is new, congrats 
Dec 19, 2016, 18:0412/19/16

It's so you use diamonds to revive and buy troops, just another pay to win guys, don't bother wasting your time.

Dec 20, 2016, 13:0212/20/16

S6362 said:

It's so you use diamonds to revive and buy troops, just another pay to win guys, don't bother wasting your time.

Not really, if i use my diamonds its to quickly boost a building or tech 

knowing how to play the game is the key you don't need to pay to win

Jan 3, 2017, 13:2201/03/17

i go by the cost in RSS to determine the offense n defense 

like we have said before the value of the troops are what pays the banking

would it not make sense the rss you pay the troop would generate its offense/defense ?

Jan 15, 2017, 10:4701/15/17
Jan 16, 2017, 01:48(edited)

Raided a base with my force of 4mil offence and defence. My losses 1.1 million. Enemy losses 550. What the actual hell. The only way to recover that kind of force is diamond recovery. Is that why the game made me lose twice as much units. Nice tactic....... Logic dictate that with a force that size I should be taking significant less losses. 

Pay 2 win orientated battles and balance for sure.

WINNING operations and suffering more losses is not WINNING. Utter sophistry. 

Jan 16, 2017, 15:0901/16/17

Sparhawk122 said:

Raided a base with my force of 4mil offence and defence. My losses 1.1 million. Enemy losses 550. What the actual hell. The only way to recover that kind of force is diamond recovery. Is that why the game made me lose twice as much units. Nice tactic....... Logic dictate that with a force that size I should be taking significant less losses. 

Pay 2 win orientated battles and balance for sure.

WINNING operations and suffering more losses is not WINNING. Utter sophistry. 

Thanks for your feedback.
I would like to tell you about the main principle of our game. Remember that possibility to buy in-game currency is not a panacea. If someone is a bad tactician, weak leader or his communication skill is slight, he will never reach same success as players, who have these points :) So the idea is that the soft skills and your personal in-game skills are more important than a possibility to donate. Your Alliance and your mates could destroy everyone if you use all of the game tricks and play together.

Feb 6, 2017, 16:3002/06/17

KingKong said:

DrStrangelove said:

I'm also finding it that i loose more then i gain at some point i had around 1.3 million attack and 2.4 million defense  After But after doing operations and WINNING them i find myself down to less then 50,000 troops as i never got any troops back from them even though i won, i can't continue to do much in-game at this point other then waiting for more troops to be produced but as it takes 6 hours barely make 5,000 attack power it seems impoible to build myself back up without just spending money (which i have allready) but if to continue playing the game im forced to spend money then why continue
I agree 100%. 

Same problem

Feb 7, 2017, 09:5602/07/17

Sparhawk122 said:

Raided a base with my force of 4mil offence and defence. My losses 1.1 million. Enemy losses 550. What the actual hell. The only way to recover that kind of force is diamond recovery. Is that why the game made me lose twice as much units. Nice tactic....... Logic dictate that with a force that size I should be taking significant less losses. 

Pay 2 win orientated battles and balance for sure.

WINNING operations and suffering more losses is not WINNING. Utter sophistry. 

Thanks for your feedback.
I would like to tell you about the main principle of our game. Remember that possibility to buy in-game currency is not a panacea. If someone is a bad tactician, weak leader or his communication skill is slight, he will never reach same success as players, who have these points :) So the idea is that the soft skills and your personal in-game skills are more important than a possibility to donate. Your Alliance and your mates could destroy everyone if you use all of the game tricks and play together.

You are outnumbered 10 to 1. Surely the obvious is obvious ;)
Feb 21, 2017, 14:4302/21/17

Sparhawk122 said:

You are outnumbered 10 to 1. Surely the obvious is obvious ;)
Sometimes the obvious answers are the most natural :)
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